We've had a few complaints regarding the lost password reset process. We've tried to recreate the issue but the process works fine for us. It's really hard to fix a problem if you can't recreate it.
Here's the ask. If you don't mind doing a little testing for us we'd like you to sign out of the forum, then click the login button, then instead of logging back in we'd like you to click the forgot password link and go through the process of getting your password reset. If you encounter any issues email me at [email protected] and I will get you back into The Pit.
Make sure to take a screenshot of the issue, then when you get back into The Pit we'd like you to post the screenshot here as well as all the details you can think of to describe the issue.
If you can help out please reply below so I know you're working the issue. I'll keep a lookout and help you as needed if you have a problem getting back in (and don't worry you WILL get back in

Here's the ask. If you don't mind doing a little testing for us we'd like you to sign out of the forum, then click the login button, then instead of logging back in we'd like you to click the forgot password link and go through the process of getting your password reset. If you encounter any issues email me at [email protected] and I will get you back into The Pit.
Make sure to take a screenshot of the issue, then when you get back into The Pit we'd like you to post the screenshot here as well as all the details you can think of to describe the issue.
If you can help out please reply below so I know you're working the issue. I'll keep a lookout and help you as needed if you have a problem getting back in (and don't worry you WILL get back in
