I wanted to thank the forum for it being set up to be able to delete a post. I double posted a comment this morning and said Oh Drat as most times it cannot be deleted. To mu pleasant surprise I was given that option when I went to edit it.
Another thing is the automatic save and restore functions when writing a comment or post. I had a very lengthy post I was writing this morning and bump the wrong key and the page chagned. That usually means you just lost all your work. Not here on the Pit. It auto saved my work and when I broght the page i wanted up I just clicked restore and my work was back
Major Kudos for whoever set up the forum.
Another thing is the automatic save and restore functions when writing a comment or post. I had a very lengthy post I was writing this morning and bump the wrong key and the page chagned. That usually means you just lost all your work. Not here on the Pit. It auto saved my work and when I broght the page i wanted up I just clicked restore and my work was back
Major Kudos for whoever set up the forum.