Good day, awesomely knowledgeable people! Very serendipitously, I discovered your site while searching for bacon recipes and was so excited about its contents, I became a member lickity split! Because I so enjoy your site, and respect the information given therein, here's my question: Would you like to know about spelling and/ or grammatical errors? If it is a non-issue for you, then I will go on my merry smoking way! Otherwise? Please advise! Appreciate y'all! Kileen93
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Newbie smoker who just joined--question about your website!
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Founding Member & Owner of SnS Grills
- May 2014
- 4890
- Charlotte, NC
- Slow 'N Sear Kamado
- Slow 'N Sear Kettle
- Lots of grills that work with Slow 'N Sear
- LOTS of digital thermometers
- LOTS of accessories
- Favorite Beer - Fat Tire
- Favorite Bourbon - Woodford Reserve
- Favorite White Wine - Cakebread Chardonnay
- Favorite Red Wine - Yes, Please
- President/Owner - SnS Grills
Welcome to The Pit BBQ Kileen! We're excited to have you here. When you have a moment, check out my Welcome letter and tips topics, which will help you complete your signature (Tip#1). They're here and here.
After that we'd like to know more about you. Head over to the General Discussion channel and dive into the mix... Post your latest cook in the Recipes and Techniques channel(with pics!).... Tell us about your latest restaurant BBQ experience.... make yourself at home!
As far as grammar issues, I am guessing you're referring to the main web pages. If you see an error there by all means post a comment in the Disqus comments on the bottom of the page where you found the error and we'll address it.
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