22” Blue Weber Kettle with SnS insert
Kamado Joe Jr with Kick Ash Basket
Char-Broil Smartchef Tru Infrared Gasser
Anovo Hot Tub Time Machine with Custom Hot Tub
Hi, not a bug or anything, just an inquiry. So, I go to the Messages section to see activity on threads that I have engaged with. I will have several notifications in the SUWYC thread (I am most active in that thread). I want to see what other members have Liked or Commented (without using @SheilaAnn). But when I click on one, all the others in the Notifications section disappear. I am guessing because since I went into SUWYC, the system assumes all of them have been read. I wish there was a way to be able not make them tag as being read until I actually click through. The picture below kind of explains.
Just curious. If the answer is "because that’s the way it works", that’s cool and I get it.
Yeah, it marks them all as read. You can hit the Filters at the top right and choose to show both dismissed and not dismissed notifications to see the ones it marked for you, btw.
Last edited by rickgregory; November 10, 2021, 11:49 AM.
I'm using Win10 on a pc with Chrome, and if I right click on a link, I get options to open in a new window or a new tab. If I choose new tab, I can open all the links and view each one.
However, if I just open one, the rest are still there until I open them or dismiss them...
pkadare - yes I am sure. I do right click on all the notifications before opening any though. And I open each in a new tab. Once I read a particular post, I close that tab and move to the next tab.
My gear:
22 Weber Kettle
Napoleon PRO Charcoal Kettle Grill
Broil King Keg
Traeger Pro 34
Napoleon Prestige Pro 500
Pit Barrel Cooker
Blackstone Range Combo Griddle
In the case that you described, I open each notification for the same topic in a new tab. So if there were 5 notifications from SUWYC, I'd open one in a new tab, then close it, back to the original tab, rinse, lather, and repeat.