That's a good video, explains the different cuts for those uninitiated. One thing you do have to notice is the amount of fat seams he left in the thick cuts of both chuck and dino ribs. During cooking those seams render and begin to delaminate the meat layers above and below causing them to separate. It's actually better to trim the top layer off rather than cook it as is. It look so good when the meat is raw but after cooking its a different story. In other words, fat seams suck.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. I was sent these ribs cut from ribs 6-8 from Porter Road to try (due to a previous failed attempt they sent me). Here's what the meat looked like when raw, notice the fat seams;
And here's what happened after I cooked them to probe tender;
Although its hard to see when they cryovac them, always try to avoid large seams of fat. Just a word to the uninitiated. Again the video and the Bearded Butchers have an awesome channel, I'm a big fan !!