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Shelf life of Grapeseed and Olive Oil

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    Shelf life of Grapeseed and Olive Oil

    Cleaning out the pantry to prepare for the remodel and ran onto a bottle of expensive grapeseed oil and Olive oil with spices in it for dipping. Both unopened and kept in a cool dark environment for 10 years! Toss them or use them?

    If in doubt throw them out. That would be the safe thing to do, although I suspect the are still good.


      Is there not a best before date on the bottles?
      My first impulse would be toss em


        With oil, I would give it a sniff and taste test. If it is rancid, it should be obvious.

        EDIT: I will go with the world renowned Troutman on this, and say throw it out. Unless you are participating in the "use expired rancid oil challenge" of course! Some foods, like honey, never really go bad if stored in a sealed container, even though they may crystalize.

        Read this:

        About the only oil I have in my pantry that MIGHT go a full year before I use it up are some flavoring oils like Toasted Sesame oil. However, I also buy that in small containers, and not in gallon jugs.
        Last edited by jfmorris; November 9, 2021, 05:04 PM.


          According to the old Interweb, properly stored oils should last around 18 months or whenever the expiration date stamped on the container says. If you have 10 year old oil I'd toss it.


            I would put it in my lawn mower with some basil and garlic to make mowing more enjoyable!


            • smokin fool
              smokin fool commented
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              bio-fuel, buy a diesel

            • Troutman
              Troutman commented
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              That and a little Chianti with some fava beans….

            Well it looks like they go to the bin. I can't believe they hid in the corner for so long.


            • RonB
              RonB commented
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              You could always send it as a gift in the Secret Santa this year...

              Er -wait yur not my SS are ya??

            • smokin fool
              smokin fool commented
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              Last time I cleaned out our pantry I found a tetra of pea before some month in 1999....tossaroo....

            I would save it for a squeaky door hinge, but not for food.


              I get this question a lot in the soap making groups I belong to.

              Your nose is a good detector of rancidity. If the fat has little odor, but what odor there is is mild and sweet, it's fine. If the fat smells like old crayons, or has an obvious "fatty" or stale odor, or just plain stinks ... use it for a non-food purpose or discard it. Most people don't even use rancid fat for making soap, because the rancid odor persists in the finished soap.

              Both fats are high in unsaturated fatty acids, so it's likely they're going to be rancid. Even though they've been stored under ideal conditions, ten years is a loooong time.


                I like to use old oil in my firepit


                • bbqLuv
                  bbqLuv commented
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                  Actually, that is a good idea.


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