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West Indian Curry Goat

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    West Indian Curry Goat

    West Indian/Jamaican-style Curry. This is and amalgam of several recipes, further refined through experience cooking it. I no longer recall where I got any of it from.
    Served 4 (possibly more) as a main course.

    INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup vegetable oil
    6-8 Tbsp Jamaican hot curry powder
    1 Tbsp allspice (see step 1)
    2-3 pounds goat
    2 onions, chopped
    ​​3-4 habanero or Scotch bonnet peppers, minced
    A 2-inch piece of ginger, peeled and grated
    1 head of garlic, peeled and chopped
    1-2 cans coconut milk
    1 15-ounce can of diced tomatoes crushed
    1 Tbsp dried thyme
    3-4 cups water or chicken stock
    1/2 lb carrots, sliced into rounds
    5 Yukon gold or Red New potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks (omit for Low Carb version) - can also use russets but use fewer
    2 large bell peppers cut into large chunks


    1. Make the curry powder. If you can find Jamaican curry powder, definitely use it. If not, use regular curry powder and add the allspice to it. You will need at least 6 tablespoons of spices for this stew, and you can kick it up to 8-9 depending on how spicy you like it.

    2. Cut the meat into large chunks, maybe 2-3 inches across. If you have bones, you can use them, too. Salt everything well and set aside to come to room temperature for about 30 minutes.

    3. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Mix in 2 tablespoons of the curry powder and heat until fragrant.

    4. Pat the meat dry and brown well in the curried oil. Do this in batches and don’t overcrowd the pot. It will take a while to do this, maybe 30 minutes or so. Set the browned meat aside in a bowl. (When all the meat is browned, if you have bones, add them and brown them, too.)

    5. Add the onions and habanero to the pot and sauté, stirring from time to time, until the onions just start to brown, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle some salt over them as they cook. Add the ginger and garlic, mix well and sauté for another 1-2 minutes.

    6. Put the meat (and bones, if using) back into the pot, along with any juices left in the bowl. Mix well. Pour in the coconut milk and tomatoes and the rest of the curry powder. Stir to combine. Add 4 cups of water. Add the thyme. Bring to a simmer and let it cook 1 3/4 hour. Stir to make sure it isn't sticking.

    7. Once the meat is close to being done – tender but not falling apart yet – Add the carrots and potatoes and mix in. Check the potatoes for doneness after 20 minutes. Add bell peppers and cook 15 minutes. Taste for salt and add some if it needs it.

    8 You might need to skim off the layer of fat at the top of the curry before serving. Do this with a large, shallow spoon, skimming into a bowl. Also, be sure to remove any bones before you serve the curry.

    The stew is better the day after, or even several days after, the day you make it.

    Serve with Rice and peas.

    1. I use only one can of coconut milk (lite) from which I remove ½ cup for the rice and peas
    2. For pressure cooker, add some of the stock at the beginning of step 6 and deglaze the pot thoroughly then pressure cook on high pressure for 40 minutes followed by a quick release. Add potatoes, carrots, bell peppers and pressure cook for 15 minutes.

    EDIT: At the request of Troutman , I found 2 not very good pix from 2015. Here they are:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	20150110_220456.jpg
Views:	591
Size:	151.2 KB
ID:	984312Click image for larger version

Name:	20150111_215628.jpg
Views:	533
Size:	180.3 KB
ID:	984313
    Last edited by Dewesq55; February 3, 2021, 11:23 AM.

    Great recipe and technique!


      This looks very interesting, but I’m trying to calibrate the serving size. 2-3 lbs of goat & 5 Yukon gold taters & the rest of the stuff feeds 4 peeps? I know you said or more, but I’m tryin to wrap my head around how much food this is.


      • Dewesq55
        Dewesq55 commented
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        It was a guesstimate. I only cook for 2 of us most of the time. This is what I make. We get 2-3 meals or of it, if I remember correctly.

      Grill More Goat as it pairs well with PBR.
      Happy grilling to you.


        Not of big fan of goat but I'm sure this would be a great lamb dish as well. And hey, how about some pix


        • Attjack
          Attjack commented
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          Pics make everything better. Almost.

        • Dewesq55
          Dewesq55 commented
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          I can try to dig some up. I posted this at the request of another member, jhoskins , who found it in an ancient thread. I haven't made it in a while.
          Last edited by Dewesq55; February 3, 2021, 11:09 AM.

        • Dewesq55
          Dewesq55 commented
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          It would work well with lamb, I'm sure, butt hey some lamb stew meat. Leg is too lean, on my experience and doesn't take well to braising. It gets dry.

        Last night my sister was telling me an Indian family just bought the 107 acres next to her ranch and they plan to raise goats for meat.


        • gcdmd
          gcdmd commented
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          I could send some goat ropers her way if the need should arise. They work well at night, especially under a full moon.

        Wow, cool. Strongly felt the spice from the habanero?



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