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I want a small pellet cooker

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    I want a small pellet cooker

    Currently I have a Recteq RT-700 and really love it and use it often. But sometimes it is way to big for just my wife and I. It seems like a waste of fuel to run that big unit to smoke say just a couple of pork chops or the like. So I am thinking about getting something smaller for those small cooks.

    I do not camp, have an RV, or have other needs for it to be "portable". It’s really only about a small, efficient, and reliable cooker.

    Recteq has the RT-340 trailblazer. And I have read here about the Grilla Chimp and the GMG Dave Crocket. There has been some mention of the Traeger options as well but from what I have found, not too much.

    So, any other guidance from the Pitmasters? Thanks in advance.

    I’m really sorry Mr. Frosty. The people here don’t really like to recommend cookers, nor do they enjoy helping people spend their money. I’m afraid the response will be tepid at best.


      My guess is the fuel consumption won't be that much less, but pick a value (maybe ask RecTeq) and then do the math and see how long it takes to equal the amount you save vs the amount will spend on a new cooker.


      • Jfrosty27
        Jfrosty27 commented
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        Great advice. But a lot less fun. 🤣

      To be honest, the smaller cookers probably burn similar to the bigger ones. The nice thing about pellets is when you're done cooking, you only lose what's in the burn pot. BUT, if you're just looking for an excuse to buy a new toy... The options are slim. Grilla, RecTec, GMG, CampChef, and Traeger all have respectable portables (which are the only things significantly smaller than what you have).

      I have a few friends with 2 of the brands, Grilla and GMG, the 2 Grilla owners have had nothing but great things to say about theirs, the GMG owner is wanting to upgrade to something bigger and better (but I think pellets just aren't for him period).

      PitBoss and a few others have table top pellet grills, but the real estate on them seems a bit TOO small and in the territory where a camp stove would make more sense.
      Last edited by ItsAllGoneToTheDogs; May 28, 2021, 03:11 PM.


        Blazn' Grand Slam

        Grand Slam Specifications:
        • Cooking Surface - 24" x 19.5" 468 sq. in.
        • 12 gauge steel lids, 16 gauge steel body
        • Weight - 174 lbs
        • Hopper Capacity - 30 lbs
        • Overall Grill Dimensions - 52" H x 40" W x 22 5/8 D


        • Jfrosty27
          Jfrosty27 commented
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          Heck that one is more expensive than my RT-700! A little too close in size mine as well. But thanks!

        This is small and cheap. Even a child could use it.
        Attached Files


        • smokin fool
          smokin fool commented
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          Its for ages 8+, so I'm out.
          36 months is where I'm comfy.

        Don’t have one but all I hear about those small Grillas have been positive.


          Yeah, klflowers Chimp thoughts have really sold the Chimp to me for anyone wanting a small pellet cooker.


            (watches thread)

            I'm considering adding a small pellet to supplement the weber kettle. I avoid very long cooks (over 8-10 hours) because I'd need to either start the very late and get up very early, or some other weird thing. But a pellet that I could fire up at 9pm and let run overnight? Smoke level is my main concern though.


              rickgregory A lot of the pooper people here recommend a smoke tube. My niece’s fiancée has a pellet grill and he swears by this.
              Attached Files


              • rickgregory
                rickgregory commented
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                Yeah, definitely getting one of those if I do this. The kettle works fine but when I'm working (I work from home), it's sometimes more fuss that I want getting coals lit, temp dialed in, etc.

                Also considering an OK Joe Bronco so I'm watching your posts too. 👀

              FWIW I had the Davey Crocket and I wouldn’t recommend it.


              • Jfrosty27
                Jfrosty27 commented
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                Thanks for the heads up. I have seen similar reviews.

              I know you said pellet and don't want to deal with coals. So I'm going suggest Weber Smokey Joe. It's is under $60 for the Premium, I like the locking lid. For quick/small cooks you can get away with using 12ish briquetts. If smoke is a desire throw wood chips on the coals. I use it for me and my better half. It's just the 2 of us. It is convenient and easy clean up.


              • Jfrosty27
                Jfrosty27 commented
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                Yes I said pellet, but not that I don’t want to deal with coals. I have a Smokey Joe and a 22” Performer I use often. I use my big pellet cooker often but sometimes it is so big for what I am cooking.

              I love the Davey Crockett, thought it's the only small one I've tried. Truly portable due to its weight, comes up to temp very quickly, and think I have gotten better smoke flavor out of it than either Camp Chef Woodwind or MAK 2star.

              (I sometimes whether both quick-to-temp and smoke flavor are just better with anything that small, compared to larger pellet smoker with basically same size fire.. I bet people here have views on this - would love to hear if so!)


                You might take a look at the A-Smoke. Though like others said you really probably won’t save much on pellets. If you really just want to buy something buy a Chargriller 980 and go a different direction. Or sell the Recteq and buy a MAK 1 star that is probably more fuel efficient ​​​​​​.


                • Jfrosty27
                  Jfrosty27 commented
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                  Oh geez. Now what do I do with that? 🤔

                As previously mentioned, I don't think a smaller grill is going to burn that much less pellets. If it's just economics you're considering, I doubt you would ever recuperate the investment of another grill. Pellets are relatively cheap. I have a GMG Jim Bowie and don't think twice about firing it up to cook a steak for myself.
                Cheers Bill



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