I pulled it up online and she liked it. I didn’t really about it too much but she was right in that we needed something. I have a dedicated cabinet for my BBQ stuff that wasn’t really convenient, my grilling tools were spread all over and my WSM stuff and pellets for the Silverback were in the garage. I pulled the trigger on Saturday in August. I did the ribs on the WAsm and the silverback will be used for homemade pizza to go along with it. We redid our patio last year and expanded it a little so we bought new patio furniture and realized we needed some more outdoor stuff. I told my wife that Grilla makes an out door kitchen and she said, "So buy it."
Interestingly enough I happened to be driving to Grand Rapids Michigan the day after I purchased it for work and I drove right by Grilla’s headquarters in Holland Michigan. I thought about stopping by and just to check out the kitchen to see if I made the right call. But I knew it would be awesome so I passed. Got to beat that Chicago traffic.
it took about a week to get here because it’s shipped all the way from Texas. When the freight company called me they said that it weighed 450 pounds. It came in three large boxes on top of a pallet and that gave me a great excuse to finally go out and buy a dolly. This thing is built like a tank. It was easy to put together and it’s a great purchase.
This thing is very solidly built and it is probably one of the best purchases I’ve made this year. Some people Think that the drip tray access is a little tight, and they could be right but I don’t know as it hasn’t been an issue for me yet. Other than that I can’t think of anything else that be considered a con.