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The Maiden Voyage of the OG has begun

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    The Maiden Voyage of the OG has begun

    Finally after a week of watching it rain on my OG I got to fire it up for the first time today

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    I love the window.

    Started it up and took it to 450 for the initial burn off. It took about 20 minutes to get to 450. I let it burn for 45 minutes like it suggested.

    After 45 minutes I pulled out my phone and dropped the temperature to 225 and put it in PRO mode.

    I paid too much for three racks of St Louis cut ribs but what are you gonna do? Not eat ribs? I don’t think so. Got them rubbed down with a sweet heat rub I mixed up and on the OG they went.

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    One rack on the upper grate and two below. I’m going to leave them where they sit for the entire cook and see if there is a big difference between the two grates. While loading up the Grilla I hit Pause on the control panel so it wouldn’t over heat the smoker while I loaded it up.

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    Set the timer for three hours and that’s that.

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    After 30 minutes still going.

    Updates on the Maiden Voyage of the OG are to follow.

    I love: "I paid too much for three racks of St Louis cut ribs but what are you gonna do? Not eat ribs? I don’t think so". Well said and perfect rationale.


      That window does look cool. While I still have my sights set on the Chimp, I do love the OG's footprint. It is a unique and beneficial design.

      In fact, this morning I was looking at other pellet grill manufactures and I keep coming back to Grilla. The quality for the price is unmatched and they just have a lot of little things that really increase the value, like the pause feature you mentioned.


      • ssandy_561
        ssandy_561 commented
        Editing a comment
        To me they went above and beyond what they needed to do to fix the problem.

      • Michael_in_TX
        Michael_in_TX commented
        Editing a comment
        I agree. I've been emailing them with some questions, some quite obscure, and they respond quickly and thoroughly. I really do think they are very proud of their products.

      • klflowers
        klflowers commented
        Editing a comment
        I second the customer service comment. They are very responsive. I like the OG too and I am seriously thinking about replacing my WSM with one.

      Oops. Should have thought of rib placement a little more before I loaded it up.

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      A few dabs with a paper towel and a bit of a spin and the door is closed again.

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        Very cool!


          Keep it coming,
          ribs in the process looking close to the same.


            After 4 hours @225. Got some nice color. I’m using Grilla Apple pellets.

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            • bbqLuv
              bbqLuv commented
              Editing a comment
              Now they would pair well with PBR.

            This is gorgeous.


              So pretty and shiny! Not like my OG, kind of scuffed up and greasy. Mine looks like someone's been cooking in it for 4 or 5 years. Still love it though, even without all the fancy bells and whistles that come on them today. In 20 or 30 years, when it wears out I'll think about replacing it.


                Need to see bend and bite through tests, and smoke ring.
                Keep 'em coming, I love it. you done good.


                  Huskee We need a NSFW tag


                    How very wonderful that ya git to do this, much less share it with us!!!

                    I'll be right here with ya...


                      After 5 hours of smoke they looked beautiful!

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                      I then hit the top and front rack with Sweet Baby Ray’s and kept the back rack naked.

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                      I shut the door for another 45 minutes while I finished up the yard work.

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                      Happy Happy! Joy Joy! Time to eat.

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                      These are the fatty end cuts of the naked ribs. They were so good.

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ID:	1044720

                      Here is a center cut from the rack left on top. The top rack could have used about 30 more minutes. Very good but not as tender as the two racks on the main grate.

                      I enjoyed these ribs from the Grilla. So easy. Got a bunch of yard work done today not worrying about my vent settings. I even ran to the grocery store mid cook.

                      I didn’t notice a big difference between smoke taste on the Grilla compared to my Weber. It was less but not a lot less. I really liked not having to fiddle with it all day to keep temp.

                      If Mother Nature cooperates next weekend I’m gonna shove a butt into the Grilla and see what it does to that.


                        Beautiful. I did a couple racks on the Chimp Memorial Day weekend and I felt the same. I can get my charcoal cookers to run at consistent temps, but it takes more time than the pelleteer


                          Wish I was there to help consume the consumables.



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