Help me decide on one of these three:
Grillworks 36" with Brasero Stainless Steel - Most expensive can't be converted to covered grill. Shipping and crate fees are crazy.
Pros: Stainless steel; Lifetime Warranty; Solidly built; super nicely finished
Cons: Price, shipping, crate fee
AZ BBQ Outfitters Tuscan Grill Stainless Steel Drop in Unit can add a lid later next most expensive. Shipping but no crate fee
Pros: Stainless steel; Can convert to Scottsdale Cooker (fully enclosed) but at a big cost
Cons: Price, shipping, not lifetime warranty, unknown quality (but made of 7 gauge 304 stainless
Englebrecht 1000 Built in. Least expensive Comes as an enclosed cooker
Pros: Least expensive, comes as enclosed cooker, know entity
Cons: Not stainless will rust. Vents out bottom possible issue with falling ash
Primary use will be live fire Santa Maria cooking. If I get a lid it can also function as a charcoal grill.
Existing Grills XL BGE; Weber Summit Charcoal; Blazin' Grid Iron; DCS Gasser
Grillworks 36" with Brasero Stainless Steel - Most expensive can't be converted to covered grill. Shipping and crate fees are crazy.
Pros: Stainless steel; Lifetime Warranty; Solidly built; super nicely finished
Cons: Price, shipping, crate fee
AZ BBQ Outfitters Tuscan Grill Stainless Steel Drop in Unit can add a lid later next most expensive. Shipping but no crate fee
Pros: Stainless steel; Can convert to Scottsdale Cooker (fully enclosed) but at a big cost
Cons: Price, shipping, not lifetime warranty, unknown quality (but made of 7 gauge 304 stainless
Englebrecht 1000 Built in. Least expensive Comes as an enclosed cooker
Pros: Least expensive, comes as enclosed cooker, know entity
Cons: Not stainless will rust. Vents out bottom possible issue with falling ash
Primary use will be live fire Santa Maria cooking. If I get a lid it can also function as a charcoal grill.
Existing Grills XL BGE; Weber Summit Charcoal; Blazin' Grid Iron; DCS Gasser