Working on outdoor kitchen design for new house... I've done lots of research (mostly here!) on the actual cooking equipment but now need to figure out other pieces. Seems like a bunch of the luxury grill manufacturers also make cabinetry and refrigeration - bbqguys has a big selection, dcs, lynx, hestan, etc.. I do want storage to be weatherproof but otherwise not super picky. Anyone have brand recommendations (positive or negative)?
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Drawers, cabinet, fridge, ice maker..
Club Member
- Apr 2017
- 409
- Richmond, Tx
Delta Heat 32" Gas Grill on Cart
Yoder YS-640 on Comp Cart
Camp Chef SmokePro SE pellet grill - Sold
LSU Purple Thermapen MK4
Maverick Et-732
Griddle grate
Boiling and turkey fryer pots and burners
I bought my doors and drawers from BBQ guys. They are really nice, flanged, and were packed well. The drawer insert I used was nice, the drawers were inside inside of a metal "can", so they are not exposed to the dust inside the island.
Club Member
- Aug 2017
- 7679
Primo XL
Weber 26"
Weber 22"
Weber 22"
Weber 18"
Weber Jumbo Joe
Weber Green Smokey Joe (Thanks, Mr. Bones!)
Weber Smokey Joe
Orion Smoker
DigiQ DX2
Slow 'N Sear XL
Arteflame 26.75" Insert
Blaze BLZ-4-NG 32-Inch 4-Burner Built-In
- With Rear Infrared Burner
- With Infrared Sear Burner
- With Rotisserie
Empava 2 Burner Gas Cooktop
Weber Spirit 210
- With Grillgrates
​​​​​​​ - With Rotisserie
Weber Q2200
Blackstone Pizza Oven
Portable propane burners (3)
Propane turkey Fryer
Fire pit grill
I've been eyeing the SS doors and drawers on ebay. They are considerably less expensive than what you find on BBQ Guys..
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