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September 2023 - "Great Giveaway" Three Sweepstakes Winners!

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    Is this the first time that every prize was claimed and no prize had to be redrawn?


    • mrichie1229
      mrichie1229 commented
      Editing a comment
      It does not happen very often.

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
      Editing a comment
      Happened earlier this year I believe, but it's not often.

    Belated congratulations to September, 2023 winners. Enjoy your bounty.


      Congrats all !!!


        Congratulations to all winners.


        • Alan Brice
          Alan Brice commented
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          Clawbear, your gasser come yet?

        No not yet. AR is looking into it.


        • RichieB
          RichieB commented
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          No wait, if I win (yea right) it doesn't come assembled?

        • Bogy
          Bogy commented
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          RichieB If you win and pick the Blaze how much assembly you do will largely depend on if you want the stand or not. If you have an outdoor kitchen you are going to drop it in, there's very little to assemble. It's more a case of removing all the packing material from around the pieces. If you also get the stand (which I did, because right now I don't have an outdoor kitchen to put it in) then you have to put the stand together. Which is not that hard. And yeah, I know you were probably joking.

        • RichieB
          RichieB commented
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          Bogy yes, I was kidding. If I was to win 🤣 depending upon which level and what chose, I'd be happy to have my son in law assemble for me. However, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

        Congratulations to all the lucky weeners!


          Congratulations to September’s winners!!


            Congratulations to the winners!


              Click image for larger version  Name:	20230920_171631.jpg Views:	30 Size:	36.3 KB ID:	1484458

              IT'S HERE!!!! It arrived Monday. Not sure when I'll get it put together. Health problems.


              • fillirican
                fillirican commented
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                How exciting. Get well soon brother.

              • ecowper
                ecowper commented
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                Ahhhhh, I don’t like hearing about health problems ….. get well and put that bad boy together!

              • Mosca
                Mosca commented
                Editing a comment
                Shoot man. Get well soon, we need to see FOOD!

              Congrats winners!




                  Just received a phone call, Grand Champs CharGriller will be delivered tomorrow! Whoop Whoop! Stand by!


                  • Panhead John
                    Panhead John commented
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                    Yahoo!!! …….On a Friday too, just in time for the weekend!

                  • fillirican
                    fillirican commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I agree, perfect timing

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_3654.jpg Views:	0 Size:	3.56 MB ID:	1485027 Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_3655.jpg Views:	0 Size:	3.62 MB ID:	1485026 They just dropped this Bad Boy off! It was everything I could do to get the two boxes in the back yard. Time to get out the destructions.
                  Definitely gonna need my floor Jack to get the firebox attached.
                  Manual says season grates 5X. Kim n I are involved in a fall festival Saturday n Sunday.
                  I do not expect to cook in this Beast til nearly next weekend.
                  Man o Man this is a serious cooker! I will update. Whoo Hooo!! Thanks AmazingRibs💥🍺


                  • Clawbear57
                    Clawbear57 commented
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                    Can't wait to see that bad boy at work.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_3664.jpg
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ID:	1485328 Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_3665.jpg
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ID:	1485329 Got her hammered together n we are burnin’ sticks! Couple more burn ins to eliminate the mfg lubes n packing grease. Destructions want five seasonings of the racks. Whup whup!


                  • Panhead John
                    Panhead John commented
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                    Alright dude, she’s beautiful! Congrats! Just an FYI, I don’t think you need 5 burn ins myself. 2 good long ones oughtta do it.

                  • klflowers
                    klflowers commented
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                  How are winners notified so they can claim their prize?


                  • Alan Brice
                    Alan Brice commented
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                    The email you submitted and by watching for the "Great Giveaway" post near the seventh of the month. Wait! There is more! I was the third alt pic because the first two did not claim.
                    I think I got notified around the 20th-21st. It pays to be vigilant! Just open everyday n you will be fine.
                    Last edited by Alan Brice; September 26, 2023, 07:33 AM.

                  • Bogy
                    Bogy commented
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                    If you want to know if your name is picked post regularly and have notifications turned on so if someone mentions your name you get an email. When I won my mailbox blew up and I knew something had happened. Buried in all the other emails was the official notification.

                  • Huskee
                    Huskee commented
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                    Do you read "HOT From The Pit!"? Each issue explains how winners are notified. Here's the summary again: I create a topic here in The Pit, in the main channel that this topic here is located in, and it will be labeled for that corresponding month; for instance this one here is titled "September 2023 - "Great Giveaway" Three Sweepstakes Winners!". I will then mention (tag) each winner in that topic, and I will email them personally at the email they have registered in their membership details.


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