Here are some commonly used abbreviations, both in the BBQ world and outside of it. Some are just for fun. Feel free to comment and add any you feel might help contribute.
- ABT- Atomic Buffalo Turds (tasty grilled treat)
- AC-DC- Alternating Current-Direct Current
- AFK- Away from Keyboard
- AFAIK- As Far As I Know
- AKA- Also known as
- APF- All Purpose Flour
- AR- AmazingRibs
- ASAP- As Soon As Possible
- ATK- America's Test Kitchen
- ATWF- Ask The Wife First
- BAK- Back At Keyboard
- BBs- Baby Back ribs
- BBBR- Big Bad Beef Rub
- BF- Boyfriend or Bread Flour
- BFF- Best Friend(s) Forever
- BKK- Broil king keg
- BGE- Big green egg
- BOC- Blue Oyster Cult
- BRB- Be right back
- CBJ- Certified Barbecue Judge
- CI- Cook's Illustrated or Cast Iron
- CIA- Central Intelligence Agency
- CL- Craig's List
- CNN- Cable News Network
- COS- Cheap Offset Smoker
- CRNA- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
- CRS- Can't Remember [stuff]
- CS- Chef Steps
- CSI- Crime Scene Investigation
- DF- Deep fryer
- DKDC- Don't Know Don't Care
- DNA- Deoxyribonucleic Acid
- DnG- Drip 'n Griddle pan (From SnSGrills, formerly Adrenaline Barbecue Co.)
- DH- Dear Hubby/Husband
- DW- Dear Wife
- ECB- El Cheapo Brinkmann
- EOS- Expensive Offset Smoker
- ETA- Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETD- Estimated Time of Delivery
- EVOO- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FCOL- For Crying Out Loud
- FOTB- Fall Off The Bone
- FRH- Frank's Red Hot (sauce)
- FWIW- For what it's worth
- GAS- Gear/Grill Acquisition Syndrome (See also MCS)
- GF- Girlfriend or Gluten Free, depending on context
- GIGO- Garbage In, Garbage Out
- GMG- Green Mountain Grills
- GOAT- Greatest Of All Time
- GOSM- Great outdoor Smoky Mountain
- HOF- hunk of flat (brisket)
- HOP- hunk of point (brisket)
- HRR- Huskee's Rib Rub
- HWMO- He who must obey (husband)
- IBA- In Bed Asleep
- IBTL- In Before The Lock
- IDC- I don't care
- IDK- I don't know
- IIRC- If I remember correctly
- IMHO- In my humble opinion
- IMO- In my opinion
- IMWTK- Inquiring minds want to know
- IT- Internal Temperature (or Information Technologist)
- IR- Infrared
- IRA- Individual Retirement Account
- IRL- In Real Life
- IRN- In related news
- IRS- Internal Revenue Service
- IRT- Instant-read thermometer
- JK- Just kidding
- KBB- Kingsford Blue Bag (Original) charcoal
- KBQ- Karubecue Smoker
- KC- Kansas City
- KCBS- Kansas City Barbecue Society
- LOL- Laugh(ing) out loud
- LP- Liquid Propane
- LSG - Lone Star Grillz
- MCS- More Cooker Syndrome (See also GAS)
- MES- Masterbuilt electric smoker
- MMD- Meathead's Memphis Dust
- MGD- Miller Genuine Draft
- NASA- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NASCAR- National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing
- NOLA- New Orleans Louisiana
- OKP- Original Kettle Premium (2015 rename for Weber Kettle, formerly OTG)
- OMG- Oh my god (or goodness, so as not to offend anyone)
- OP- Original Poster
- OTG- One Touch Gold (Weber kettle grill)
- OTS- One Touch Silver (Weber kettle grill)
- PB&J- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- PBC- Pit barrel Cooker
- PBR- Pabst Blue Ribbon
- PEBCAC Problem Exists Between Computer and Chair (human error)
- pH- Potential for Hydrogen
- PhD- Doctor of Philosophy
- PIA- (or PITA) Pain in the .....
- PK- Portable Kitchen (brand) charcoal grill
- PMC- Pitmaster Club
- POJ- Piece of junk
- POS- Piece of [stuff]
- PP- Pulled Pork
- PSA- Public Service Announcement
- QVQ - BBQ, Sous Vide, BBQ
- RADAR- Radio Detection And Ranging
- RN- Registered Nurse
- RNA- Ribonucleic Acid
- SAF- Spousal Acceptance Factor (usually in direct opposition to MCS/GAS)
- SBR- Sweet Baby Ray's (BBQ sauce)
- SC- Stella Culinary
- SCUBA- Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
- SDS- Sour Dough Starter
- SE- Serious Eats
- SG- Solid Guitar (as in Gibson SG)
- S&G- Simon & Garfunkel [rub]
- SIFI- Set it and forget it
- SLC or STL- St Louis Cut ribs
- SMG- Lodge Sportsman's Grill
- SMH- Shake my head
- SN- Smokenator
- SNL- Saturday Night Live
- SnS- Slow 'N Sear
- SnSK - Slow 'N Sear [Deluxe] Kamado
- SO- Significant other
- SR- Spare ribs
- SRF- Snake River Farms
- SV- Sous Vide
- SVQ - Sous Vide Que
- SWMBO- She who must be obeyed (wife)
- TIA- Thanks In Advance (or Transient Ischemic Attack [mini stroke] in healthcare)
- TLC- Tender Loving Care
- TLDR- Too Long Didn't Read
- TLTL- Too lazy to look
- TMB- Too Much Beer (universal excuse for failure)
- TTIUWP- This Thread is Useless Without Pictures
- TY- Thank You
- TYVM- Thank You Very Much
- UDS- Ugly Drum Smoker
- USMC- United States Marine Corps
- WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor
- WJJ- Weber Jumbo Joe mini grill
- WSCG- Weber Summit Charcoal Grill
- WSJ- Weber Smokey Joe mini grill
- WSM- Weber Smokey Mountain
- WTH- What the he...
- WTK- Want to know
- YMMV- Your Mileage May Vary (your results may differ)
- YOLO- You Only Live Once