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Old Country BBQ Pits Smoker

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    Old Country BBQ Pits Smoker

    Anyone have experience with this manufacturer? Old Country BBQ Pits -

    local guy is selling one for $500. he added three thermos. thinking about making an offer.

    Attached Files

    Which model is he selling? Jeremy Yoder - Mad Scientist BBQ - speaks highly of them. The Brazos (I think) was his main pit for quite awhile.


      Which model is that? Looks like it could be a Brazos, but with the front shelf removed.

      I have had the Over and Under and Smokehouse models and liked both of those. They are pretty well built for the money, and they fill in the gap between COS and EOS smokers. I went with Old Country for those reasons, and the fact that I knew I would probably want to shake things up within a few years and move on to the next cooker. I can tell you they have a lifetime warranty and they stand behind it. I had a weld break loose on the firebox lid of the Over and Under once. I emailed the company, sent a couple of pictures they requested, and received a handwritten check in the mail from the owner to cover my cost to have a local welding shop fix it.


        If he’s close by, go check it out. It looks to be in pretty good shape. Looks like he just repainted it too. Based on the answers you’ve gotten above ☝️ $500. ain’t bad. And it’s a good size smoker too.


        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          atta boy. get me in this thing. i like spending $500 better than 2 or 3 or 4 $500s. much better!

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          You ain’t got a hair on your bohunkus if you don’t get it.

        Aaron Franklin had a YouTube series "BBQ With Franklin" where he cooked on a Pecos model. It's called The Smoker (see link below). They seem to get the job done, albeit with a little bit of a learning curve and some light mods. I've seen their models at Academy. Definitely a step up from the COS.

        BBQ with Franklin: The Smoker - YouTube


          If its the Pecos model - those are only $399 new at Academy:

          I think its this basic Brazos model, which is $999 new, but as others say - what did he do with the hinged front shelf?


          • latenight71
            latenight71 commented
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            he said he bought it from academy and it had no branding. used it enough times to add the thermometers. not sure about the shelf. i'm in line behind a few other peeps who want it so will see if it's in the cards.


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