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    Charcoal "S" Basket

    So today I took my new basket for a test drive in my LSG 24x48 paired with KBB, almond wood chunks, FireBoard 2 with the fan. It held temp well but had substantially more white smoke than I would have preferred. I ended up pulling the ribs and chuck to wrap and finish in the oven because I feared the bitter creosote taste.

    The bitter over smoked flavor is definitely there but I’m hoping it will dilute in theTroutman Texas red chili.

    my question is this...what is everyone’s method when using a FireBoard fan and charcoal/chunk combo? I never really saw thin blue smoke at I doing something wrong?

    the idea of set and forget in an offset is alluring but not at the price of flavor.

    As alway, thanks for your guys’ input and wisdom!


    It’s an offset pipe smoker. It likes wood. I don’t think I would ever even try using a fan controller. And I will never use charcoal, be it KBB or lump. It’s a pit that needs attention all day.
    Sorry if I come across harsh. I’m not trying to.

    But I think you got this pit for the flavor profile that stick burners can provide and the joy of tending a fire. Not for the convenience.
    Just my thoughts.

    If you have any questions about your pit that I may be of help with please contact me. I’ve had mine going on 5yrs now.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Always available fer consultation, should ya wish...

    • Sweaty Paul
      Sweaty Paul commented
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      And he is a great consultant (speaking from prior experience - despite the fact I have yet to jump into the offset world).

    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      I think you’re spot on Steve. That’s why you have one, for the interaction. It’s why I sold mine, I didn’t want the bother, although I do miss the results sometimes.

    Steve B im thinking I simply made a mistake looking for the option of being lazy.

    You didn’t come across harsh just truthful. Expensive experiment on my part lol.


    • Steve B
      Steve B commented
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      No worries. Anything I can do help. I’m here. 👊

    FireBoard fan, cookers trying to catch up to Pellet Grills.


    • JakeT
      JakeT commented
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      Lol. I’ve come full circle I guess. Weber kettle, COS, Rectec Pellet Smoker, I’m looking for convenience again. I honestly feel this was a wake up call that convenience is nice and all’s also a sacrifice. 100% wood cooking is the way to go. For me anyway.

    My opinion is kingsford always smells bad to me. Try an all natural fuel.


      Avoid the KBB and use some all natural briquettes or lump. I prefer B&B briquettes.


      • JakeT
        JakeT commented
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        I’ll definitely give it another shot but I not optimistic. The other problem is that I set it for 225 but the temp ran away to 330 at one point. I had the intake air vent fully closed and it was only about 75 degrees today.

      • Steve B
        Steve B commented
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        JakeT There’s probably your number one issue.
        Starving the fire. I had the same problem when I first got mine.
        Temps went too high and I over compensated just like you did. And I had the same results.

        Remember and always cherish the time you spend with your pit. It’s a work in progress for ever. You can never know enough. 👍👍

      Agree with the above, I had a cook that has come up less than likeable and I'm finger pointing at KBB.
      Maybe I'm crazy but there's a funk that comes off KBB IMHO.


      • JakeT
        JakeT commented
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        Thanks for the input, I’ll definitely give it a few more attempts. I can’t dismiss a technique based off one experience. That’s just simply irresponsible...scientifically speaking. I think B&B will be next on the charcoal candidates.

      Here's a thread that I put up several months back on a test I did on my LSG 20 x 42 using good charcoal.

      As an outcome of this test I did, I now do what I call hybrid cooks when the mood strikes me. I cook with wood for two or three hours deriving the full benefit of the wood/smoke and then I swap to charcoal (lump or briquettes) deriving the benefit of not having to hover over the pit and manage the fire.
      Last edited by Alphonse; January 18, 2021, 03:57 PM.


        You always get more white smoke with charcoal than with a hot wood fire. Weird smoke isn't all that bad. What you don't want is gray or black smoke. I burn lump charcoal using a stoking fan fairly often when I want to tightly control temperature. The flavor isn't the same as a log fire, but it isn't bad, either. It's mostly just different. I haven't tried to burn briquettes in several years because I had all sorts of issues with them. I find lump, in general, burns hotter and cleaner than briquettes.


        • Alphonse
          Alphonse commented
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          Dewes, try some B&B or other all natural briquettes sans saw dust, wax, limestone binder, etc.. All natural briquettes should be ground lump formed with a bit of corn starch or other binder.


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