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First cook LSG AG&S

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    First cook LSG AG&S

    Here's the inaugural cook on the Lone Star Adjustable Grill & Smoker that landed here this week.

    I cooked a slab of spare ribs over Fogo Premium at 275 F upper grate. I used the Fireboard and a Pit Bull fan. The slab was rubbed with Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust and sauced at the end with mango BBQ sauce. I was in a bit of a time squeeze, lazy, and didn't wrap the ribs.

    I learned a lot about the pit by tweaking intake and vent settings during the cook to watch response. I am now looking forward to more cooks.

    I have a prime brisket resting in the shop fridge but want to do a couple of simpler cooks to learn more about the pit first.

    Here are the ribs off to the races:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20210331_175707070.jpg
Views:	443
Size:	200.5 KB
ID:	1011636

    The Pit Bull mounted on the port through the double wall on the rear. Next time I will try the Pit Viper fan which is a bit smaller in terms of air flow capacity.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20210331_221540220.jpg
Views:	543
Size:	60.6 KB
ID:	1011634

    Almost done with sauce applied and finishing up. Take note of the grate temperature probe with my custom clothes pin mount! That is my lucky clothes pin that I use on several pits. I keep using it because one my sons makes fun of it.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20210331_221238461.PORTRAIT.jpg
Views:	423
Size:	97.5 KB
ID:	1011635

    Looks pretty awesome!


      Nice, rollin' smoke on my LSG today.


        Great color on those ribs! LSG looks to be high quality from all the pictures I've seen on this site.


          Congrats and good lookin' ribs!


            Ribz look great
            I like the honorable mention of the clothes pin 😂🤣😂👍👍👍


            • Alphonse
              Alphonse commented
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              Thanks and yep,I have been using that same lucky clothes pin for years.

            LSG LSG LSG 💪💪💪


            • JCBBQ
              JCBBQ commented
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            Great looking rack.....


            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              Boy....the times I’ve been slapped after saying that.

            Nice! Lookin good. I like the laser cut grates too!


              Those Ribs look wonderful! but I gotta say that 3 picture of the Ribs is amazing! Yes I mean the actual picture, very professional looking. If the ribs were as good as that picture you were eating great!


                Looking Good! Nice ribs.


                  Looks great. Were you using primarily briquettes with wood chunks or just wood splits?


                  • Alphonse
                    Alphonse commented
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                    No, I will not use the fan on splits. I have not tried it specifically on the AGS but my experience with splits is that it is imperative to keep a flame going. Betting yours is the same. The PID control focuses on temperature only and with splits it cannot assure a flame at the temperatures I want to cook at. So I will have to manage the fire very similar to an offset. I'll throttle the temperature at the cooking grate with the amount/size of the wood I add, air, and the frequency.

                  • TripleB
                    TripleB commented
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                    Alphonse - Right on about keeping a flame going with splits and temp. Exactly what I've learned on my offset. However, does not mean people won't try and I'm always open to hearing what people are trying. Thanks.

                  • Alphonse
                    Alphonse commented
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                    I am looking forward to making a run with splits to see how the fire management works. This pit is a different than our offsets since there's no stack. It will be very interesting to see how it behaves. I am hoping to cook a brisket in the coming week and give it a spin.


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