Greetings from the Netherlands - happy to be here!
Hi all,
Greetings from the Netherlands. I love outdoor cooking on my wever kettle, my kamado or my ooni pizaa oven. I used the site for some time and started to feel like I was stealing so I decided to sign up. Now I find out this great place. Happy to be here!
Big Joe III
Big Green Egg lg
Grill Dome lg (at camp and it sucks!)
Modern Home Products WNK
RecTeq Matador w/WOK
Blackstsones (at home & camp)
Yakatori: Konro XL
FireBoard - Original, II, and Spark
Fans - Pit Viper, Pit Bull, FireBoard
Temp measurement - Thermapens (all), DOT, timers, . . .
KJ rotisseries (L and XL)
Lots of cast iron, woks, etc.
GrillGrates® and SearMagic®
Sous Vide Water Immersion Oven
Kindling crackers (at home & camp), axes - Gransfor, other favs
Just like most everyone here, a lot of other stuff!
Welcome to the Pit from Dallas, Texas, USA! We are in a kind of lock down for outdoor cooking because of snow and cold temperatures. Our temperatures would make us seem like wimps to you, but since they only happen every ten years or so we are ill prepared. The priority now is keep warm and keep the water pipes from freezing. We will be past this by next Wednesday and reports of cooking activity will pick up.
> Weber Genesis EP-330
> Grilla Grills Original Grilla (OG) pellet smoker with Alpha/Connect
> Pit Barrel Cooker (gone to a new home)
> WeberQ 2000 (on "loan" to a relative (I'll never see it again))
> Old Smokey Electric (for chickens mostly - when it's too nasty out
to fiddle with a more capable cooker)
> Luhr Jensen Little Chief Electric - Top Loader circa 1990 (smoked fish & jerky)
> Thermoworks Smoke
> 3 Thermoworks Chef Alarms
> Thermoworks Thermapen One
> Thermoworks Thermapen Classic
> Thermoworks Thermopop
> Thermoworks IR-GUN-S
> Anova sous vide circulator
> Searzall torch
> BBQ Guru Rib Ring
> WÜSTHOF, Dalstrong, and Buck knives
> Paprika App on Mac and iOS