Hello fellow Pit members. I became a Pit member as a way to contribute to this incredible web site. At the time I had no idea how much more information would become available to me. I learn something each and every time I look at these pages and I plan on doing lot more looking in the future.
I am originally from Cleveland, Oh now living in Charlottesville, VA. I own a Weber kettle, a Kenmore gas grill, and a propane smoker. I believe a Pit Barrel Cooker will be the next purchase. I have no time or interest in taking this to competition level, it's more of a hobby that pays off greatly for family and friends.
Thank you to all involved.
I am originally from Cleveland, Oh now living in Charlottesville, VA. I own a Weber kettle, a Kenmore gas grill, and a propane smoker. I believe a Pit Barrel Cooker will be the next purchase. I have no time or interest in taking this to competition level, it's more of a hobby that pays off greatly for family and friends.
Thank you to all involved.