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Let's guess the price point of the upcoming OnlyFire Pizza Oven

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    Let's guess the price point of the upcoming OnlyFire Pizza Oven

    Apparently release is imminent. OnlyFire is known for producing products at a lower price point. What do you think this Ooni wannabe will cost?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	133622367_823478001550196_1204869758237083112_o.png?_nc_cat=111&ccb=2&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=RBXHj4DpZpwAX916PF7&_nc_oc=AQkK6anQmlHr_JT2crwmcRRew56zCRV-QhhjWTqaiXVZu2GglMs5ZS549IOlNuLvwbpLBP3mv3dK5I3zxajd6qG3&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-1.fn
Views:	509
Size:	101.4 KB
ID:	965301

    If that pic is what they look like then they do seem to be copying Ooni.


      While I like cheap, I hate hate hate design/copyright/patent thieves.

      Not sure that Ooni is patented or anything, in fact, a quick search of the database seems to say they have not file for a patent on their pizza oven. Probably just not unique enough to be patentable. So if they don't care to patent it, nothing prevents someone from copying it.


        Bein unfamiliar with either, to much personal extent, my guess is $1500.00, USD


        • tbob4
          tbob4 commented
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          If this a game show and the winner gets the oven if they come closest I say $1501.00.

        • HawkerXP
          HawkerXP commented
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          In that case I pick door #2.

        I've just started reading on pizza ovens, since my dream outdoor kitchen would of course have to have one. I'm thinking wood fired and two chamber, though with it being a central feature built up with bricks. I presume this will be propane?


        • Attjack
          Attjack commented
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          I hope it's propane because I love my Blackstone propane pizza oven. I could use one at the cabin. Although I have toyed with the idea of building a wood-fired oven out there. What's great about propane is that it's so fast and when the pizza cooks in just a few minutes I don't think a wood fire imparts any flavor.

        • Jim White
          Jim White commented
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          Yes, I love how much more quickly the propane ovens get to temp. And with the climate here, I worry about heat radiating from the wood fired one long after the cook is done. But I'm also planning the oven for longer cooks, too. It seems to me that tandoor-type cooks could well benefit from wood. So I also want as much space as possible rather than a cook area that is aimed only at pizza.

          As I said, I'm really early in the process for this, so I have lots of time to chew on these questions.

        I guess $399


          1$ Bob.


          • tbob4
            tbob4 commented
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            You know the game show rules! Mr. Bones - we are going for the washer/dryer set on the next contest.

          • bbqLuv
            bbqLuv commented
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            $2s Drew.

          I'll guess $199.99


            My guess is $499.00.


              I LOVE pizza, had one yesterday, but makin' and bakin' on the grill ain't my forté. A frozen number from Wolly World with extra Pepperoni's (the ones in the red bag) and I'm goooood.


              • HawkerXP
                HawkerXP commented
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                Plus any left over BBQ!

              I like going to the local Papa Murphy build your own, come home and put it on my round stone and cook it in my pellet grill.


                I guess Over Priced. LOL.
                Over one thousand dollars.
                The finest pizza, take and bake, and PBR.
                Last I heard is chicken has taken over as the number one topping on pizza dispacing pepperoni.


                • TheQuietOne
                  TheQuietOne commented
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                  I can't for the life of me think what chicken would add to a pizza. Nothing against chicken mind you. A chicken parm sandwich isn't a lot different and yet it is. It's adding something to make tasty chicken tastier. Adding chicken to pizza does nothing for the chicken nor the pizza. It's madness, I say.

                The ooni wood fired karu is the end for me. Wood is easy and it doesn’t take any longer to heat than the propane version the wood mode is more even as well since the door stays closed for more heat. Can’t imagine anyone doing better for a lower price. (~$350 last I checked)

                and if you really need the gas mode you can add the door conversion to run the karu on propane.


                • Attjack
                  Attjack commented
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                  It takes my propane oven 10 minutes to get to 900f.

                  I think it's safe to assume these OnlyFire pizza ovens will beat the Ooni on price. But the quality will likely be at least a little less.

                Sorry folks. I leave pizza to the professional’s. In fact we had a carry out Za from our favorite place tonight. Yum. 🤷‍♂️


                  Making pizza is not rocket science. I can make this for $7 or less in 20 minutes.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	20190503_194733.jpg
Views:	380
Size:	171.4 KB
ID:	965648


                  • jfmorris
                    jfmorris commented
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                    Yep - I love the results on my kettle or in my oven inside...

                  • chudzikb
                    chudzikb commented
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                    You are correct sir! Once you get it down, pizza is quick and easy. Well, it takes 3 days or more for my dough, but, other than that, it is quick!

                  • Attjack
                    Attjack commented
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                    Yeah, if you're making you own dough it'll add some time but you can make bigger batches and freeze the dough as well.


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