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KBQ Firebox Grate - Photos

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    KBQ Firebox Grate - Photos

    Bill Karau sold me a Grate to put on my KBQ firebox.
    It costs $30 plus shipping and is made of Stainless Steel.
    Used it to warm up some leftover shredded brisket.
    Works GRATE
    Post your GRATE-FULL photos to show off your smoky, seared (or even warmed up) products.

    Warming some meaty snacks during a smoke.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Warming Leftovers.jpg
Views:	272
Size:	86.7 KB
ID:	415018

    The shredded meat was double wrapped in foil and was a nice hot snack after the brisket aroma inside got me wanting some.
    Karau's grate slides on and stays in place nicely.
    Here you can see that wood can still be added and the wrapped meat is to the side so as it heated, I used tongs to rotate the cold side towards the flames.
    Post yer photos!


    • EdF
      EdF commented
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      Very creative as usual!

    • BBQ_Bill
      BBQ_Bill commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you sir.
      You are most kind.
      I think Spinaker's "coal stopper" Rox!



    • BBQ_Bill
      BBQ_Bill commented
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      Thank you kindly.
      I LIKE this new grate!

    I have yet to throw anything on my grate, but I threw it on quick to take this picture. Hopefully this week I will have a chance to throw a ribeye up there and let it rip.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	KBQ:Fire Grate.JPG
Views:	265
Size:	103.3 KB
ID:	415024


      Woo Hoo! My FAVORITE steak bro!


      • EdF
        EdF commented
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        Mine too!

      This is what I was using BEFORE I bought Bill Karau's (KBQ's) grate.
      SO easy to tip and drop a great steak off of the top of the firebox.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Smokin' GOOD!.jpg
Views:	254
Size:	208.5 KB
ID:	415054
      Others were using various grill tops that were much better than this one, but not totally secure.


        I'd love to post a photo of mine in action, however I don't have one. Yet anyway, I just sent Bill Karau an email.


        • BBQ_Bill
          BBQ_Bill commented
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          Lookin' forward to it my friend.
          Gotta sear/grill something on mine and post a sweet photo for sure!
          Am thinking hot dogs would probably sit really pretty on this thing!

        Well "Smoking" Guys and Gals...
        I was curious as to whether Hot Dogs and Sausages (Hot Dog Bun Variety) would sit on this grate and not fall thru.
        So... here are some photos in a collage of a successful cook.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	Collage.jpg Views:	1 Size:	4.32 MB ID:	415193

        Top left is two Jumbo Beef Franks and two Polish Sausages on the Grate, slid back so wood can be added for flavor.
        Top middle, I am sliding the Grate back over the heat.
        Top right, they are smelling good and looking good.
        Lower left, the firebox is my "Mini-Grill" and the smoke spout below is hanging off of the edge of my driveway.
        Lower middle is my "experimental" meat. The shorter Jumbo's and the longer thinner Polish Sausages.
        Finally bottom right, I am carrying the hot box by the Grate over to a safe spot in the gravel for cooling as we eat.


        • BBQ_Bill
          BBQ_Bill commented
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          "Quick Hint" # 2
          The fire really got up there, so I simply slid the Grate back and watched it as I had a cold beer.
          When it died a bit, I slid the Grate back over the heat. Works Great and it's Highly Recommended!

        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          I love it! Great shots Bill!

        • BBQ_Bill
          BBQ_Bill commented
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          Thanks Bro.
          The meat was REALLY good with the smoky Oak flavor on them.
          Wife definitely liked the flavors!

        Beautiful pictures!


        • BBQ_Bill
          BBQ_Bill commented
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          Thank you kmhfive.
          This was a "1st run" to acquaint myself with this new addition.
          Smoked beef brisket, ribs, bird and steaks can be wonderful in flavor, but a quality hot dog, or sausage when seared and smoked is a simple and quick treat with my family.

        • kmhfive
          kmhfive commented
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          SWMBO likes the dogs. I like the polish sausage, so it works!

        • BBQ_Bill
          BBQ_Bill commented
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          My wife is leaning towards these Jumbo Franks, and the others were back and forth on which was best with the Jumbos slightly edging out the Sausages with two other eaters votes.

        Oh man, I have gots to get me one of those! I love grilling over wood, but the EOS firebox is too big to fire up quickly. Brisket for dinner and now those pics made me hungry again.



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