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Weber Performer Deluxe

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    Weber Performer Deluxe

    I found a Weber Deluxe Performer from Crate and Barrel for $125, including the cover. Sounds like a great deal right?

    Nah, that thing only sells for $400.


      Thats an amazing price! I'd be on that like a rat on a Cheeto!
      Last edited by Jon Solberg; May 3, 2015, 04:01 PM.


        Yeah, considering just the pain kettle is $150.


          Sorry should have been clearer... It's used on Craigslist. I'm probably passing though. The model this person is selling lacked the propane starter and just don't feel like driving an hour away if it doesn't.


            My wife stumbled stumbled upon a barely used Performer Deluxe from someone on Facebook yard sale. $160. Bought it and love it. Absolutely LOVE the prep table but I quite honestly think that the propane assist is just a novelty. Hardly worth the high price tag of buying it new. My weber chimney does the job faster and more efficiently.


              Originally posted by Ailkiw View Post
              My wife stumbled stumbled upon a barely used Performer Deluxe from someone on Facebook yard sale. $160. Bought it and love it. Absolutely LOVE the prep table but I quite honestly think that the propane assist is just a novelty. Hardly worth the high price tag of buying it new. My weber chimney does the job faster and more efficiently.

              yeah that's the conclusion I have come to as well. I like all of the other features enough that I'd buy it again though! I ran out of propane a few months back and bought some Weber grill lights cubes instead (because I am lazy and if I can order it on the internet instead of going to the store to get it, I will).


                I love the propane starter. I thought I would think of it as a novelty but I think its more convenient than the cubes. You just have to watch for sales on the small propane cylinders like you would charcoal. I just got two for 2 tanks $10. That will last me longer than $10 worth of cubes.


                • Huskee
                  Huskee commented
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                  Just throwing this out there in case you didn't know- Amazon sells the 24-count packs of cubes for $3 and change (+free shipping) as an add-on when you're making other purchases $35 or more. That's what I do. Usually I get a box or two every time I make another purchase.

                  Also, use a paring knife and slice the cubes in half up & down (making L & R halves) and they will still start a chimney full. Double the usage=half the price!

                • bpf120
                  bpf120 commented
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                  I'm addicted to prime... I have cubes on stand by.

                I have a one touch silver and use a chimney with some sterno underneath to start my cooks.
                Works for me
                Good price though for you


                  I throw the chimney on top of my coleman camp stove for a few minutes. Works well enough for me.


                    Myself? I am a cubist... just too easy and clean also.


                      I use an electric starter that I paid $15 for about 3 years ago. No cubes for me!


                        I bought the converter, so mine is just hooked up to a regular propane tank, so it lasts for ever. I use a chimney over that gas jet and we're off to the races in no time flat. No mere novelty.


                          I have a 18 year old Weber Performer (first gen I believe) and love the propane tank for starting. A couple of years ago I started using the chimney on top of the gas flame. 3-5 minutes of gas, then wait for charcoal to ash over. I think I've only had to fill the small tank 5 or 6 times ever cause I don't run it for very long. Problem is that the tank is now too old to refill. I convinced someone to do it anyway last summer, but now I need a replacement. Can't find a replacement tank that includes the hand hold to fit back in my Gen 1 Performer. All the small tanks I found won't fit in the built in cradle. Anyone have a source?


                          • bslogsdon
                            bslogsdon commented
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                            Try tractor supply or southern states for a refill.

                          • JohnF
                            JohnF commented
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                            Take it to one of the big box stores propane exchange and exchange an old tank for new at the normal exchange price.

                          I used the Smokenator tonight and lit my chimney using the propane starter. It worked great and the coals were ashed over in no time.



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