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Efficient cook on a 22" kettle.

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    Efficient cook on a 22" kettle.

    Having the PBC, I am used to efficient cooks, but I have started using my Weber 22 more and more and working on getting my coal usage down. Not for any particular reason, just interested in how low it can go, and today did a pretty darn good job.

    Many people seem to do a 2x2 fuse, I have done a 2x1 pyramid type shape for some time and have had great success. Running consistently at 225 or 275 is pretty easy, and I didn't have to manage it any more than I do my PBC. Speaking of PBC, I usually use 40 coals to get it started, this cook used 40 coals in the fuse, and 10 to light, so only 50 total and got me almost 8 hours.

    The fuse was just over halfway around, the block on top is best places in the center of a 4 coal block so it keeps things lit well.

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    The last 10 or so don't get a top level, they are there to dump hot coals on to get the party started. Placed some wood around near the beginning, placed to last about an hour.
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    Was doing some yard work, so ignore the mess over there The cool thing about the fuse on the Weber is that after a while you can rotate the top grate to keep it opposite the coals. This is 4 hours in, rock steady 225.
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    Hard to see, but still some coals at 6 hours.
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    Right at about 7 hours it started dying fast, only a couple coals were lit, opening all of the vents got me to 200 for the last 45 minutes.

    Only thing I didn't mentions were the vents. Start with the top fully open, bottom cracked, once 250 was hit close the bottom almost completely and the top closed all but 1/4 inch or so. Weather changed quite a few times due to storms and I needed to adjust, just know that the bottom is for big changes, top is for fine tuning.

    Hope this helps someone.
    Attached Files

    I've been using Weber Kettle Grills for over 30 years... awesome cookers that can do just about anything if you have a few tricks like this up your sleeve. I'm a fan of this method too and have used it many times... I've also got a PBC... I consider both to be essential cookers in my arsenal!


      Man, that's impressive. I still have to try the snake method sometime. Maybe for my next chicken.


        Very useful info. I have a gas smoker, but this looks like I may not need it!


          My coal usage is way down this year as I've been reverse searing more and more. I have the 26" and used the coal baskets to corral the coals in a small area. Now I use my SnS which works much better. Charcoal bags are lasting a lot longer!


            Neat set up John. The thing I liked about fuses, is the ability to remove coals to be saved for later.

            I was surprised recently, I shut the vents down after using the SnS to save the rest of the coals. I forgot about the hole for my Auber fan. Even with the fan removed, it still snuffed things out.


            • _John_
              _John_ commented
              Editing a comment
              And you can just keep adding to the end of the fuse and cook forever.


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