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Weber Grill Restaurant permanently closes

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    Weber Grill Restaurant permanently closes

    Too bad they had to close but could you imagine being able to buy one of these grills?

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ID:	1079280

    They're basically the commercial version of the Ranch Kettle. I'm glad it's just this location and not all Weber Grill restaurants that are closing.


      Look at them ash catchers!


      • surfdog
        surfdog commented
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        They look like bowls from a Hobart floor mixer. O_o

      • Attjack
        Attjack commented
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        I like the conical design of the lower bowl.

      Look at the chimney starter station. That's nice.


        St. Louis Galleria? My first thought was, I don't remember this place there! Then I read it opened 6 years ago, and I left the area 20 years ago. I suppose some things might have changed.


        • Draznnl
          Draznnl commented
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          Went to college in St. Louis, Don't think they had a gallery back then, let alone a Galleria.

        That kinda looks like the grill collection on the side of Mr. Bones house doesn't it?


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          I jus recently made a space where one them SS Ranch Kettles'd fit nicely, an look right snazzy, as well, Brother!

        I have eaten there. Neat place. Sorry to see it close.


          We were in Indianapolis for a Work Meeting one time and ate there. A good place as I remember.


            We’re those 26’s or specially made?


            • Attjack
              Attjack commented
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              They look pretty special to me.

            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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              Looks like a special version, similar to the Ranch kettle in size, but stainless, with a huge hinge, and a different body shape.

            • Bbqmikeg
              Bbqmikeg commented
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              My Ranch is 36” but a measured it on a cold day.

            When is the auction,,,,,
            I want one,,,


            • Attjack
              Attjack commented
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              You should give them a call. Seriously.

            Very nice.....but can you get SnS in that size?


            • Steve R.
              Steve R. commented
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              I believe those went out of production a few years ago. At around $300, I just couldn't justify it, so I improvised with fire bricks in my Ranch Kettle.

            I always kinda wondered if these restaurants were any good. I kind of assumed they had the run of the mill menu with nothing real special. It always just seemed like Webber was saying, "we make grills, therefore we need a restaurant the serves grilled stuff." I guess it is no surprise to me that they closed some of them down.


            • Spinaker
              Spinaker commented
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              Oh, that is a great time of year to be up here. LOL

              If you want a few suggestions when the time gets closer, let me know and I can direct you in the right direction.

            • Bogy
              Bogy commented
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              Spinaker they know what they are getting into. They met in Alaska, and my daughter started out in South Dakota. Actually, I think they decided on Lakeville because it's one of the places in Minnesota where they can ski.

            • Spinaker
              Spinaker commented
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              Ha, yeah. Buck Hill is just up the road on 35. Bogy Believe it or not, that is where Lindsey Vonn got her start, before she moved to Vail, CO. (She will never claim that though)

            How was the food there?


              Apparently there is a Weber Grill restaurant in Indianapolis that is open. My wife just made reservations to have dinner there tomorrow with one of her students. Is that a good idea? Apparently even a foodie friend of hers has had trouble finding anything worthwhile in Indy.


              • Jfrosty27
                Jfrosty27 commented
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                Isn’t there a famous steakhouse there? Elmo’s or St. Elmo’s? Something like that?

              • DavidNorcross
                DavidNorcross commented
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                I went there years ago Jim. It was just ok then but the atmosphere was a plus. Not sure if it is even open any longer.

              • JoeSousa
                JoeSousa commented
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                I went to the Weber Grill restaurant in Chicago a few years back. Food was pretty solid. Nothing to blow you away but better than a lot of restaurants.

                Ask if they can give you a tour. They offered that when I visited and I got to see all the grills and smokers and like close up. Those stainless steel heavy duty Ranch kettles definitely got my MCS all fired up. Would love to somehow come into possession of one of those.

              Okay, we have a report from my wife. She ordered the Sesame Filet Medallions. Here's a photo she sent, with one medallion cut open to show they did a good job of hitting rare on the cook. She said it was really good.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	1398182



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