I am breaking in the 26 inch kettle I picked up used tomorrow. Picked up a 10 pound pork shoulder today for $1.49 a pound. It's trimmed and seasoned and in the fridge. I've done pulled pork a few times on our Memphis pellet grill. I'm new to using the kettle.
I'm going to start cooking when I get up, probably around 7:00. Aiming to eat at around 6:15 (half time of the USA Canada soccer match). Plan on wrapping after it has a good crust and possibly bumping the temp up to 300 or so to get it done on time.
I could use some guidance on how to setup the 26er. I have the 2 charcoal baskets it came with. I also picked up 3 firebricks today to use as a poor man's (well, cheap man's) Slow N Sear. I have some B&B briquettes and KBB briquettes.
I was thinking of using the firebrick setup, but now I think a snake may be easier to maintain a steady heat. What do you all think, firebricks or snake? If I do a snake, what configuration? I was planning on using the B&B briquettes.
I'm going to start cooking when I get up, probably around 7:00. Aiming to eat at around 6:15 (half time of the USA Canada soccer match). Plan on wrapping after it has a good crust and possibly bumping the temp up to 300 or so to get it done on time.
I could use some guidance on how to setup the 26er. I have the 2 charcoal baskets it came with. I also picked up 3 firebricks today to use as a poor man's (well, cheap man's) Slow N Sear. I have some B&B briquettes and KBB briquettes.
I was thinking of using the firebrick setup, but now I think a snake may be easier to maintain a steady heat. What do you all think, firebricks or snake? If I do a snake, what configuration? I was planning on using the B&B briquettes.