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Only need to grill hot dogs for two!

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    Only need to grill hot dogs for two!

    I have a Big Green Egg and a Pit Barrel Cooker, both of which are overkill for grilling hot dogs for two people on the Fourth of July, So I added a Weber Smokey Joe to my BBQ grilling/smoking collection today!
    Attached Files

    I just turn the charcoal chimney upside down and cook dogs on that. Saves charcoal too...


    • DJ DeSpain
      DJ DeSpain commented
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      I’ve done that before, but chimney is too concentrated heat that cooked fast with no charcoal flavor. Might as well just broil them in an oven. 😆

    • RonB
      RonB commented
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      DJ DeSpain - ya do know that you can use less charcoal? Right?

    Where’s the ambient temp probe in the grill? Where’s the leave in probe for the dogs? You could learn a thing or two about hot dog cooking from Huskee . 😂
    Last edited by Red Man; July 4, 2021, 09:05 PM.


    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      We’re just joking with you. 😂. A while back our fearless leader Huskee posted a pic of him grilling hot dogs with his ambient temp probes in place! I mean, who does that for hot dogs? 😂

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      "ambient temp probes in place! I mean, who does that for hot dogs?"
      You don't?

    • Steve B
      Steve B commented
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      You guys are killing me.
      Ambient temp probs for hot dogs. 🤦🏼🤷🏼🤣🤣

    Dang good Chow Chow you have there too.. prefer the hot but the sweet is spot on as well


    • DJ DeSpain
      DJ DeSpain commented
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      I tossed on a little Secret Aardvark Habanero hot sauce on mine for heat as my wife is not a fan of hot sauce,

    This is the Pit ya know & you have been around long enough that you should have a little more aesthetic order to the placement of the dogs. Nice recovery in the final result. Nice cooker!


    • DJ DeSpain
      DJ DeSpain commented
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      Yeah, the Olympic judges docked me a couple of point on style, but I stuck the landing!
      Last edited by DJ DeSpain; July 4, 2021, 10:11 PM.

    The Black & Decker Workmate is a workmate for sure. Perfect cook height!


      Nailed it, Bruh. Dogs done cooked good. Love it!


        The Smokey Joe is a perfect addition!!


          Nice looking tube steaks.
          I've been plotting to get a Jumbo Joe myself.


            Luv my Jumbo Joe,,,,,
            he can do everything his big brother can do,,,,


            • Alabama Smoke
              Alabama Smoke commented
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              And there is a difference also. My Jumbo Joe can be ready to cook from lighting until meat on about 3 times faster than my performer can. I suppose due to smaller size. I use the SnS made for each of them in this comparison.


            BTW, what's that red stuff next to the dogs in the buns?


              Love my Joe, got nowhere to put it. I wind up doing the dogs (and burgers) over the S&S.


                Katchup? Really Catchup on a hot dog.
                Either way served with PBR.
                Last edited by bbqLuv; July 5, 2021, 08:03 AM.


                • bbqLuv
                  bbqLuv commented
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                  Never heard of Chow Chow until this post. It is a relish from the South, I guess.
                  Gonna have to give it a try. Going on the shopping list.
                  Last edited by bbqLuv; July 5, 2021, 09:05 AM.

                • klflowers
                  klflowers commented
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                  DogFaced PonySoldier bbqLuv chow chow is usually a pickled cabbage relish. Mrs Campbell's is pretty good, I like the hot version too.

                • DJ DeSpain
                  DJ DeSpain commented
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                  klflowers My Publix only carries the sweet version of Mrs. Campbell’s chow chow. 😞

                I love my SJ for the small and quick cooks. Just the wife and me so it comes in very handy. BUT, great use of the Workmate! I never thought of that! I have one sitting in my garage not ten feet from where my SJ sits and it never crossed my mind. Duh.....
                Thanks for that idea.


                • DJ DeSpain
                  DJ DeSpain commented
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                  I often use my Workmate as my BBQ prep table. I put a BGE deflector plate under the Smokey Joe to keep it off of the wood.

                Looks good. Nice choice.



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