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Weber kettle vent controller / adjuster

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    Weber kettle vent controller / adjuster

    I came across a rather interesting-looking device on Amazon today (pictured).

    I'm curious if anyone has any real-world experience with this or anything like it. It seems like a great idea - being able to have easy and precise control over that top vent seems very attractive, but I'm not exactly sure what this would do to the overall airflow/ smokiness inside.

    I also can't see any reviews at all for this sort of vent replacement thing on site, which makes me think that there's a general view they're not worth bothering with that I'm not aware of.

    Attached Files

    I like to do fine-tuning adjustments with the top vent. But I don't have any trouble doing micro-adjustments with the standard damper.



      Bet they'd sell lots more if'n it had a rain cap, though...


      • MBMorgan
        MBMorgan commented
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        Yup 2

      • reallyalexsc
        reallyalexsc commented
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        We have a winner. Thank you.

      I don't think I would bother with it. If I adjust that top vent at all, there isn't much precision needed other than just tapping it a little. I hate to say, but it seems like a solution looking for a problem.


        I think you may be misunderstanding this. The Tip Top Temp ( isn't for you to get more precise adjustments than the built in vent on top of your kettle. It's an actual bonafide mechanical temperature controller in its own right, which in theory maintains the temperature you set it to. It opens and closes as needed to maintain the grill temperature, by action of a bimetal strip. This is the same type of operation that operates many mechanical dial thermometers and old school mechanical thermostats.

        This has been mentioned once or twice over my years in the Pitmaster club by one or two folks that used it, but my personal take is that a bi-metal coiled strip, like this uses, is inaccurate. That is probably why they don't bother with a temperature number, but instead just a 0 to 10 range. What that corresponds to is probably up to your grill and you will still need a grate level thermometer to know what is going on.

        In my mind I just can't see this being accurate or easy to use. It's only advantage is the relatively cheap price of $35.99.

        Personally, I say adjust the vents manually, or get an electronic temperature controller... I don't find myself chasing temperatures much with my kettle these days anyway.

        The "demonstration" video on the product's website is very underwhelming. They use a heat gun to show that as it gets hot it closes down the vent. Really? You can't even show me how it attaches to the grill, or show it on an actual grill in your demonstration?
        Last edited by jfmorris; May 12, 2021, 04:03 PM.


        • crazytown3
          crazytown3 commented
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          I did misunderstand it. Thanks for clarifying that. I'm sorry to say, but it still seems like overkill to me, and it sounds like you probably agree.

        It seems to be essentially the same as the contraption many kamado owners use for temp control


          I have one. It’s a PITA. I’m sure it works, but I couldn’t figure it out. Not worth the bother. And it doesn’t fit over the newer vents with the plastic tab on the handle.

          Like jfmorris says, the only advantage is that it’s $36. I’ll go one further and say you won’t feel all that bad about only wasting $36.
          Last edited by Mosca; May 12, 2021, 05:36 PM.


            Thank you, everyone. Really very helpful!



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