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Vilicci grills

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    Vilicci grills

    Has anyone seen one of these vilicci grills in action, I stumbled upon them, thought they were cool. Don't spit out your whiskey when you see the price.

    I have no idea of the exchange rates, but are they serious? They are some works of art almost & maybe that’s what they are thinkin. They are sharp lookin.


      Sweet, two on the way...not.

      While the grill looks awesome, how do you call it a grill, charge that much, and then first show something being cooked in a pan on it? My electric smooth top will cook that too, so why would I want this? Just to spend money? At least actually grill something and make it look irresistible if you want my first born as a down payment.


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        Oh, and I’m really glad I refrained from any sips of the bourbon while I looked, they would have splattered the TV 12’ away for sure.

      Does it appear that you have to manually turn the spit? For that amount of money regardless of the exchange rate, the spit is turning itself and those 3 fancy feet are bringing the meat to me!!! 😂😂


        I see that the grill cost about 13,000 USD. Ok go for it if you like it but who the f@#$ is VAT and why do they want 3500???


        • Uncle Bob
          Uncle Bob commented
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          VAT is for the politicians reelection fund (aka Value Added Tax)

        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          I've been dealing with European companies over the last few months, and I believe they would only charge VAT if you were in Europe. US folks wouldn't be charged VAT, or at least, they'd be able to get a refund if so.

          Speaking as someone who has made a few recent transactions and avoided VAT..

        This is for people with more money than brains. (sorry)


          So now I know what grills are bought solely for looks and are never actually to be used. Kinda of like the SubZero fridges...


            Well, Come On guys! It comes with a 10 year warranty. But you have to order your own marshmallows, Hersey's chocolate and graham crackers....


              I wonder how many ballpark franks that thing could hold...


                In my case it would have to hold two, cuz that’s all I would eat. That was my supper last night, 2 hot dogs.
                Mmmm, Smokey Joe or Vilicci, Smokey Joe or Vilicci. I’ll have to sleep on it.


                  Priced at just the right price point to pay off that CNC machine quickly.


                    Wow, these looks really cool. I love all of that stainless.


                      They look cool, but not so much in operation. I don't see a convenient way to add charcoal and wood without removing that plancha top with some welding gloves! And.... what's the point of a wood and charcoal fire when most of the cooking is done on a plancha surface all the time, with a tiny grate in the middle?

                      I think if I want this grill, I'll get a nice Weber instead and throw one of those Arteflame inserts on it! And that tiny rotisserie over the hole in the middle? Haha. Maybe you can spin a Cornish hen over it?


                        I imagine this is some designer's idea of a grill. One of the most impractical designs I've ever seen.


                          This seems like a really good deal. Might buy one.


                          • jfmorris
                            jfmorris commented
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                            Be sure to let us know how the tiny manual rotisserie works out for you!


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