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Call me a sellout - going head to head with MCS

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    Call me a sellout - going head to head with MCS

    Yes, a tough bout is about to go down. I need to make room. I also have too many grills, and they're not getting used much. So, I'm selling off these items:

    1. My 70's green Weber kettle
    2. My Big Green Egg (medium) kamado
    3. My custom built Parrilla
    4. My Santa Maria accessory for kettle grills (custom built by me, a carbon copy of the Gabbys Grills model)

    I have already sold my 500 gallon custom built offset smoker 'Rude Boy'.

    So, what's staying?

    1. My eight (8) no name 22" kettle grills with an SnS in each. Used for teaching and bbq classes
    2. My PK TX graphite gray grill. The ultimate steak machine.
    3. My (soon to arrive) Kettle Joe by Kamado Joe.
    4. One of my own Hank's True Smokersâ„¢ offset smoker.

    I gotta say it feels good to clear things out.

    PK Reasoning
    I'm keeping the PK because I like the small size, cast aluminum and versatility.

    Kettle Joe Reasoning
    I'm looking forward to KJ's Kettle Joe because it really is a slightly new concept, and I like the marriage between a traditional sheet metal kettle and a Kamado grill.

    No name Kettle grills
    Well, hopefully this Covid situation will be less of a dread come summer, so I hope to be able to do bbq workshops again.

    My Offset
    Well, this one doesn't need motivation. It's an awesome stick burner, made by me. It's a keeeper!!!

    Has anyone else of you guys and gals done a clearance like this? Have I lost my mind, or am I just making space for the future? One thing's for sure, I'm not giving MCS a walkover victory on this one

    Wish you lived closer, I'd buy the parrilla (and a new offset).


      I can barely keep 2-3 as clean as I like and I tend to never use some if I get over 4, then when a year or two passes and I think I should, I usually find a nasty surprise inside like mice, wasps, etc. So, generally if I have a cooker sit 3-6 months unused it hits Marketplace now. So, I completely understand...and also understand keeping your kettle arsenal for teaching too.


      • Henrik
        Henrik commented
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        Exactly. Cleaning a grill that gets used is easy. Cleaning a dusty old grill that’s left in the back of the shed - not much so. I don’t mind having them, but then I want to use them too.

      Good plan. There is something invigorating in a fresh start. Many of us have had to face numerous moves in our careers and faced the problem of what goes with us, and what stays behind. Early on Kathy and I decided that, other than a few precious items, if it didn’t fit in a small U-Haul trailer it got sold on each move, and we have never regretted it.


      • Henrik
        Henrik commented
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        Now that is a great strategy, gonna borrow that one!

      • FireMan
        FireMan commented
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        That’s easy fer a bear to say!

      Oh, Henrik ... I hope this works out for you, but I have seen this movie before. When you create a vacuum like that, it's only natural that it will need to be filled, and you may have just exacerbated the MCS problem.


      • Henrik
        Henrik commented
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        You mean like opening the lid on a grill to get temp down? :-)

      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        Henrik That actually works...on a pellet grill.

      Henrik nothing wrong with cleaning out the unused cookers - just surprised to see Rude Boy go, but if you don’t need that size anymore, the newer smaller smokers you are making will sure use a lot less wood.

      Since I got the Performer in 2017 and discovered the SNS I barely touch my offset anymore. Since getting the flat top I barely touch the 2 year old Weber Genesis II anymore. I keep trying to get my son to take the offset, but if he won’t I am stuck with it sitting under a cover mostly unused, since my dad built it (or one of his welders did anyway). It’s not a smoker I could sell. I toy with selling the Genesis II but doubt I will, as there is sometimes need for a quick cook on an actual grill versus a flat top. With the new SNS Kamado I know the Performer will get used less and less - mostly for overflow cooking or the rotisserie.
      Last edited by jfmorris; March 13, 2021, 12:05 PM.


        Who’s kiddin who here! Yer like an Admiral of a fleet. So you jettison a few old ships & will eventually bring the navy up to speed with newer, up to date boats. We’ll be watching ya.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Aye, we will...

        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          Aye Bonesy, yer a bit of an admiral yerself, that bein of the "mosquito" fleet.

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          LOL! Accordin my cohorts in Th Bees, that'd be th Honorary Title of:

          Rear Petty Admiral Bonesy, ~~~---<<<(((S)))>>>---~~~, if'n ya wanna git all technickel, lol

          Been in effeck since th mid 80's, if'n yer jus now hearin bout it...
          Last edited by Mr. Bones; March 13, 2021, 09:16 PM.

        Almost seems easier to buy the property next door and expand that way.


          What are you making room for? New hobby? Too much clutter?


          • Henrik
            Henrik commented
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            Too much clutter. Plan on building a new Parrilla though...

          Glad to see you are turning over a new leaf. Making room will eventually make room for more!


            You gotta do what ya gotta do.



              Enjoy yer (most likely temporary) dearth of cookers, Brother!

              Be safe an well, My Friend!


                What you and others have written pretty much captures my sentiment. I have five grills that are all used with some regularity, as mentioned before they all need to be cleaned which is my biggest argument for fewer grills. And, storing all the accessories is another story. I think MCS is primarily driven by the desire to to experience cooking on a different style of cooker rather than the desire to possess one.


                  I would buy that Medium BGE from you if you were closer. I could always use another one of those.

                  Sad to hear that Rude Boy hit the road, but I suppose every child has to leave the nest at some time.


                  • HawkerXP
                    HawkerXP commented
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                    I'd like to get my tongs on the green Weber!

                  Looking forward to see the new Parilla build,,,,
                  your video of the parilla build gave me some motivation to draw a plan up,,,
                  I just borrowed a small MiG welder from my Father-in-law


                  • Henrik
                    Henrik commented
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                    Yes! Way to go!


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