I have the same problem with this review. When you watch the video on this page it's just the intro and when you click the part 2 link in the video it just loops you back to the review page.
Part 1 is the walkaround or virtual showroom video, which is meant to show you what the grill or smoker looks like inside and out. Part 2 is our detailed review on Amazingribs.com
We try to make that clear, but occasionally someone does ask about it.
Thanks, Max Good. But I have to say few people would interpret a link in a video that says "Click for Part 2" as anything but a link to part 2 of the video review.
"Click for in-depth written review" would be much less confusing.
That's better. I would think calling it an in-depth written review would be even more clear. I would also drop the "part 2" bit altogether. In the written review you could reference and link to the video review and in the video review, you can link to the written review.
We always include the video in each review and go out of our way to encourage people to click on the various YouTube links to our written reviews. Not all of our reviews have videos, particularly the older ones.