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Starting fire with Pre-Burnt Logs WAY FASTERto coals n good smoke

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    Starting fire with Pre-Burnt Logs WAY FASTERto coals n good smoke

    While up before dawn today to start a brisket, I remembered the quote from Big Bob Gibson's BBQ book where he is quoted saying something about the quality of the BBQ cook being revealed by the size of his ash pile. Well I must be becoming a better cook, for my ash pile fills up this can in a couple months.

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    In digging out the ash can in the dark I stumbled upon a few logs that did not burn all the way, and remembered what Huskee taught us about using pre burnt logs. So I dusted them off and waited for the chimney of charcoal to finish. I put the hot charcoal in and these 4 nice chunks of pre burnt wood on top, and a couple small and cut short splits on top of that, and I had good coals and blue smoke in just a few minutes!!!
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    I've spent an hour waiting for this type of fire usually. The brisket is on and the offset is putting out this beautiful smoke at 250 on the top grate (I'm using the lower grate). Yeah!! Ps I cannot figure how to embed a pic in the posts texts from my iPhone. I'll have to go read the post that I'm sure already addresses that.
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    Last edited by PaulstheRibList; May 24, 2015, 09:40 PM.

    It works well! And vBulletin and Apple devices still butt heads, as far as I know you still have to use the camera icon from an i-device. Maybe David Parrish can confirm this.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
      Editing a comment
      PaulstheRibList ..."And what is the purpose of this loan sir?" "Briskets. Twenty briskets."

    • Ernest
      Ernest commented
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      Jon Solberg just showed his age there! LOL

    • The Burn
      The Burn commented
      Editing a comment
      LMAO @ all of you

    Well, some 12 hours later, what the pre-burnt logs started ended up pretty tasty! #BrisketPractice

    Bought some uncoated pink butcher paper, just like ole' Aaron Franklin uses, lol, and wrapped it up at hour 10. I turned the brisket about an hour before that. Cooked fat side up for the first 9 hours.Click image for larger version

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    Here is a slice from the flat. It was nice! Passed the pull test perfectly. Was a little dryer than I was hoping for, but very tasty.
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    But what I cook Brisket for is the POINT!
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    The point was super good! The fat rendered to that wonderfully sweet place. I loved every bite, and so did my guests.

    And the flat fan pic...
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    I have 2 more briskets waiting for this weekend. Another choice, and a CAB. Brisket practice is fun!
    Attached Files


    • richinlbrg
      richinlbrg commented
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      You and Ernest teaming up?

      Man, that looks GREAT!

    [Drool] That is beauty PaulstheRibList


      GOODNESS GRACIOUS MAN!!! @PaulsRibList


        ​PaulstheRibList is a combo of Jerod Broussard and Ernest with his brisket skill and glamour shots.


          That stuff looks gooooooooood. I was able, by a miracle, to go through a bunch of briskets at wal-mart and find the 5 best Choice at $2.47/lb.


          PaulstheRibList - that looks phenomenal! Did you inject? You're going to have to change your name: PaulstheMeatList


          • PaulstheRibList
            PaulstheRibList commented
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            Thanks @The_Burn. I injected with Butcher's Prime.

            After learning from @Jerod_Broussard, I aged this brisket in the bottom of the fridge for 3-4 weeks, and I rubbed with @Meatheads Big Bad Beef Rub.

            I have 2 more brisket's aging in the cooler now, will do one in the Central Texas style, salt and pepper.

            I'll cook one on the new pellet cooker, other on the stickburner. #Learning

          I need to do a side by side comparison, injected and non-injectged. Jerod Broussard what is your experience with injecting - does it make a lot of difference?

          And side by side of aged and non-aged?

          Side by side of Charcoal smoked vs stick-burner?

          Obviously, I'll need to keep practicing.


            I don't bother injecting never could really see a difference especially with all the hassle involved.

            With respect to wet aging, you really have to wet age as long as you can, meaning at least 35-40 days from when you buy it at the store.

            People said I cooked good brisket when I cooked on the offset with smoke, when I started cooking in the Pit Barrel people started requesting brisket.
            Last edited by Jerod Broussard; May 26, 2015, 09:22 AM.


              PaulstheRibList PROPER!!



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