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Crape Myrtle & Portuguese Laurel & Strawberry tree

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    Crape Myrtle & Portuguese Laurel & Strawberry tree

    After making the mistake of purchasing a cord of alder (low heat content, poor coaling), I reviewed Bill Karau's guide and am trying to source better wood for my KBQ and wood fired Forno Bravo pizza oven.

    Heat Content – measures the embodied energy.  Higher is better. Sparks Produced – self-explanatory.  “Few” indicates low pitch content. Heavy Smoke – measures the thickness of smoke upon heating.  “No” is best. Coaling Quality – measures propensity to form durable coals.  We want “Excellent.”

    I have been pruning our 8 crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia indica) which, if my pruning saw and loppers are any guide, is a very dense wood. Also, pruning a large border grove of Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica). And, the Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo), which is also dense.

    Does anyone have informed opinions on the suitability of these fuels? I would guess that any Prunus or Arbutus should have the desired properties? High heat content, good coaling. I don't care about ash formation, since that can readily be cleaned up.

    Our many Southern members may have experience with the Lagerstroemia. Bill Karau may also know KBQ ? Husky Spinaker ComfortablyNumb ????? And, many, many others. Like at the Academy Awards, I don't have time to mention everyone who has helped me be where I am now. 🙄

    Thanks all!
    Last edited by Dr. Pepper; January 2, 2022, 02:29 PM.

    I usually use and look for toxicity and characteristics. Then I will give it a try. Here is the link to Crepe Myrtle


    • Bkhuna
      Bkhuna commented
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      I check out that link. Very good. They even measure shrinkage. Who knew wood could be measured for shrinkage.

    • Dr. Pepper
      Dr. Pepper commented
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      The shrinkage mostly happens in cold weather.

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Great to know, I have a friend who cooks over an open fire in his backyard. Windstorms are a fuel source. I think I will forward this link to him.
      Thank you

    Done burnt me a whole lotta sticks, in my years...

    Ain't never tried me some Myrtle, Laurel, or Strawberry wood, jus yet.



      I researched crepe myrtle awhile back. Yes, you can smoke with it, even California says it is non-toxic. I usually smoke lighter foods such as fish, chicken, and even pork. I used it to smoke some Swedish meatballs - yum!


      • Loren
        Loren commented
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        You, my good sir, have just condemned the three crepe myrtles in my yard to be fuel for the summer 🤠

        And my gutters shall no longer over floweth with plant droppings.


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