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Coconut Charcoal

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    Coconut Charcoal

    Good Day All,

    A while ago, I bought a 20 lb box of coconut charcoal. They're hexagon shaped longer sticks...
    I'd like to try them out in my 22" kettle tomorrow.

    Any tips out there for me? How many do I need to get to about 250 degrees? How many should I light, and will they work in a doughnut method?

    Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

    I don't have a clue.
    But, I wonder if there are Coconut pellets for my pellet grill.


    • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
      ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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      they do, but you go ahead and try 'em first

    I use them for longer cooks in my kettle with slow n sear. I start with ~12ish lit reg kingsford coals in one side then lay the hex logs end to end long ways up against them. Ive found this gives a pretty darn solid 250-275 for a long time. Ill see if i have a picture to add for clarity.
    Last edited by grantgallagher; March 27, 2021, 07:11 AM.


    • UncleSpike
      UncleSpike commented
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      I would love to see a picture.

    • grantgallagher
      grantgallagher commented
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      I thought i had one but i must not have saved it. Sorry.

    The advertising claiming coconut charcoal is preventing trees from being cut down is a good bit of nonsense. Anything being used for charcoal is waste wood. That being said, I'll probably try it because I like to experiment.

    ZENFIYAH provides quality eco-friendly coconut charcoal briquettes. Our coconut charcoal is the best grill charcoal alternative. Shop with us today!


    • TheQuietOne
      TheQuietOne commented
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      I'm sorry, I guess my comment wasn't clear. I believe their implication is that their charcoal saves trees when you use it as opposed to using conventional, hardwood-based, charcoal. I'm sure nobody is felling hardwood trees exclusively to make charcoal. It's the scrap limbs that are too small to be made into lumber that are being used. If it wasn't used to make charcoal it would be burnt or chipped.

    • pkadare
      pkadare commented
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      I totally read your comment incorrectly, sorry about that.

    • TheQuietOne
      TheQuietOne commented
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      No problem at all dkadare. We all do it from time to time.

    Home Depot has a different and cheaper brand.

    Attain an extra joy while grilling at your homes outdoor space with the help of this Unbranded Coconut Charcoal

    Still, doesn't seem a little pricey for charcoal?


    • UncleSpike
      UncleSpike commented
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      I paid $40 CDN for 20 lbs.

    Well, that stuff is impressive. I lit six sticks, and i couldn't keep my temp below 300 degrees for over three hours. It burns much hotter, and for much longer than anything else I've tried. After five hours I added two more unlit pieces. Total of 7.5 hours burn time to cook this small butt, and I added a small ham later in the afternoon. Definitely worth the money for a longer cook...
    Attached Files


      That is indeed impressive.



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