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Bringing the old beast back to life!!

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    Bringing the old beast back to life!!

    I had a friend call me that someone from the bank called him about removing a smoker from a meat locker about 15 monthes ago. He was wondering if I was interested in it... Of course I was and I bought it for 200$. It turned out to be a 750 lb ( just a guess) vortron smokehouse and smoke generator. It is kind of a basketcase but I am going to rebuild it. I know it may seem like a waste of time but a new smokehouse this size costs about 80k . So here we go . These pictures are from when I brought it home and tucked it in the corner of the garage. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20191008_191922.jpg
Views:	407
Size:	100.4 KB
ID:	993540Click image for larger version

Name:	MVIMG_20191008_191908.jpg
Views:	375
Size:	93.7 KB
ID:	993541 just for reference it stands 9 feet tall and I am 6 feet tall and can stand up in it easily.

    Today I got it laid down to rebuild the bottom . The steel frame is all rotted off so cut and clean up some with the grinder. Off to the steel dealer of tubing tomorrow!! Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20210221_221948914.jpg
Views:	390
Size:	114.7 KB
ID:	993545


      Sweet. Looking forward to watching the progress.


        Just $200 for what originally cost $80K. Amazing. Sure it will take a lot of hours to make it right, but still a steal. Keep us posted!!


        • Backroadmeats
          Backroadmeats commented
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          I am not sure what it cost new as it has some years on it but to buy a new one that size today is around 80k.. out of my budget but I couldn't go wrong at 200 for this smoker.

        Yes, keep us posted. Very interesting.


          Following this journey...


            What does it look like inside?


            • Backroadmeats
              Backroadmeats commented
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              I will get some pics when I stand it up

            Good indoor project for Minnesota in February. Nice score. You can put a lot of material and labor into the project and still come out way ahead.


            • Backroadmeats
              Backroadmeats commented
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              That is for sure and it has warmed up some so it doesn't cost a fortune to heat the garage up. I am hoping to be under 5k in when all is said and done?? We will see😃😃

            I love this sort of stuff, spit and elbow grease to bring something back to life, please keep us updated on your progress


              So cool Backroads! Like to see the inside also. Pics man, lots of pics.


              • Backroadmeats
                Backroadmeats commented
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                I will get some when I stand it up. I am planning on getting steel tonight so hopefully it will be upright Soon!!

              Worthy project fer sure !!!!!
              Look forward to see the final restoration,,,,
              I bet it will be better than new


                Are you going to keep it or sell it?


                • Backroadmeats
                  Backroadmeats commented
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                  Probably keep it. I am looking at adding on to the locker this fall and the added smoker capacity would be nice.



                  Awesome. Following this for sure. Anyone else thinking of Al Capone and Geraldo?


                    +1 Following



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