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Suggestion for the First Annual Amazing Ribs Throw Down

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    Suggestion for the First Annual Amazing Ribs Throw Down

    Mr. Meathead,

    I (not so) humbly submit that you should start an annual event to be known as the Amazing Ribs Throw Down (I'm sorry, I can't think of a smart-ass acronym for it) and hold it right here in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.

    I further submit that that rules be such that everyone *must* use MMD for pork butts and ribs. That should be carried over to beef and chicken in that you should pick the single rub to be used for the meat in question. The competition organizers would provide the rub pre-made.

    This would make the competition boil down to be based purely on the pitmaster's skill at running her or his rig.

    I sure you can think of a few more restrictions, too, but I think this would be an interesting start.


    Since i live in vegas too i can second that.


    • boftx
      boftx commented
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      Howdy! Glad to meet someone else here.

      As for the competition, we bring over a couple of Oscar's showgirls to distract the other cooks (or maybe some of the guys from Thunder From Down Under to distract the gals) and then we split the winnings after they burn their meat to a crisp.

    • jrobertson50
      jrobertson50 commented
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      Sounds good to me!

    I don't live in Vegas so that's a HUGE trip for me....and I don't fly. (I'm thinking more like Chicago, I can drive there in 4 or 5 hrs, wink wink)

    But that's an awesome idea! AmazingRiobs BBQ Society. Let's do what KCBS doesn't do!


    • boftx
      boftx commented
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      What's a "Riob"? Is that anything like a "bi-atch"? Does it come from the same part of a pig that corresponds to where nuggets come from on a chicken? (Sorry, I'm in a particularly smart-ass mood after that TT.)

    It's perfectly ok Jim. I'm starting beer number two, so I'll be there too in a bit. And just because I like a good ragging, I'll leave the typo in place. Riobs are when you make ribs in style man, they become Ri-OBS!


      I say you just cook at home and submit for appearance. Best pics win.


      • boftx
        boftx commented
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        What fun is that? No, gotta have a face-to-face throw down so we talk smack!

      Originally posted by Jerod Broussard View Post
      I say you just cook at home and submit for appearance. Best pics win.
      Given the skills of many judges I think it is not out of the question


      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
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        I know a forum that does it that way for holidays and what not.

      I love the idea, but I'm not transporting my BGE the 5-6hs to Vegas and back...but I will tell you what to buy and when I'm done breaking it in you will have a new toy



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