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Looking for insight for Pizza on the BGE.

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    Looking for insight for Pizza on the BGE.

    I just cut my square pizza stone to fit in my large BGE. So obviously I'm planning to give this pizza making thing a go. Tried in the oven a few times with little success. But the urge has returned.

    Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated:
    How long to let the egg heat up
    Store bought or homemade dough

    Thanks in advance.

    PaPaJohn's take and bake.
    375 for 15-20 minutes, crust golden brown.


      Well, pizzas on the BGE are fun! First question: what type of stone do you have? Is it a Fredstone, or is it made of metal?


      • Steve B
        Steve B commented
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        It's some sort of ceramic stone.

      #SteveB #Henrik is right, super fun! I've done probably 30 or so. I always use the ceramic place setter upside down (unless I am cooking multiple at once, but that is a pain). I use some cornmeal right on the stone, and put it down. I have also used those copper grill mats if I need to sling pies in and out for multiple.

      As always, have an adult beverage or 5 close.

      I run hot, 600 plus, with very low smoke is the goal. Cheese grabs the smoke really fast, and can quickly become pungent. No dampers, just run hot and fast. use a pizza peel if on the stone, or gloves to pull the grill mats. You can rock through 4 to 6 pizzas in about 30-40 minutes tops. I would show some pics, but i'm not in front of that computer.

      Cheers, good luck!


      • Steve B
        Steve B commented
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        Thanks PT.
        What kind of dough do you use?

      • PaynTrain
        PaynTrain commented
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        Steve B I use a recipe I found of Udemy. There is a lady named Theresa on there with an awesome dough class for $10. We also have a low carb almond flour recipe works surprising well on the BGE

      • Steve B
        Steve B commented
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        Thanks Brother. ๐Ÿ‘Š

      I would try to elevate the pizza as high as you can in the dome. Then you get even better reflective heat off the dome, which really makes for an awesome cooked surface on the pizza.

      Throw the stone on the top shelf of your EggSpander. That is what I always do.

      Also, Skip is a great resource. He makes some killer Za!


      • EdF
        EdF commented
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        That's my approach as well. The kind of pizza you want to make is going to affect a lot, including flour, hydration etc ... See Ken Forkish book. Neapolitan, go for 850F dome; NY style 550F. Try NY first.
        Plate setter upside down. A grill extender on top to get it into the dome. Pizza stone next. Put some parchment paper hanging loose on the stone, and scatter some semolina on the paper. You're trying to get the top hot without burning the bottom. Yank the paper when it starts to set.

      • PaynTrain
        PaynTrain commented
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        Spinaker EdF I never thought to raise it up into the dome. Guess what I'm cooking this weekend?!?! Great stuff team.

      • EdF
        EdF commented
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        PaynTrain, you'll like what that does. Keep the toppings light though. Getting that top/bottom balance right is the trick in the BGE.

      Iโ€™m with PaynTrain and Spinaker. Place the stone on the deflector plate, which is upside down. I also run it real hot, 600+ degrees, and each pizza takes 3-4 minutes. I remove the top vent altogether.


      This was from years ago but hopefully, it will help...

      The key as mentioned is get it high in the dome but also provide a gap between the cooking surface (stone) and the charcoal.

      As far as dough, it's your call. If you purchase it from the store, follow the directions so if it says cook at 375 don't let it rip at 700F.

      Also parchment paper is your friend.

      Roll out onto that and it will slide onto the egg much simpler than directly from a peel. Flour and cornmeal do burn and although they help some with the dough sliding the side effects aren't really worth it. Parchment paper can quickly and easily be removed like a magician taking the tablecloth from a set table after 3-4 min so don't worry if the edges get a little golden brown-

      Also- no pineapple, mandarin orange, or mini corn on pizza.
      1. charcoal
      2. plate setter
      3. grate
      4. fire bricks
      5. spacers
      6. pizza stone
      7. pizza

      Click image for larger version

Name:	0001-5.png
Views:	248
Size:	748.1 KB
ID:	933623


      • Steve B
        Steve B commented
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        Thanks for the info Sid.

      If you want to cook hot and fast, use a Neapolitan dough. Not a NY dough.

      Neopolitan dough: https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/...gh-recipe.html

      NY pizza is closer to oven pizza - baked around 475 for around 8-12 mins.

      Three dough styles: https://slice.seriouseats.com/2012/0...s-to-know.html


        Now Iโ€™m curious, if the deflector plate fits on the cooking grate in the dome could you just use that as the pizza stone?
        Last edited by jhapka; November 3, 2020, 04:01 PM. Reason: Clarification


        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          Yes, I used to use mine for that purpose until I got a stone as a gift.

        So this is what I got as far as a setup.
        Spinaker Henrik and allsid Whatโ€™s youโ€™re thoughts? I do have the placesetter down there Click image for larger version  Name:	image.jpg Views:	0 Size:	2.35 MB ID:	933683


        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          I agree, cut it smaller and raise it in the dome. It's just you and Elle, how big a pie you need man? Steve B

        • Skip
          Skip commented
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          I have 2 stones a 14" and a 16". Also want to mention it's a good idea to put the dough on parchment paper to ease moving it to the stone. About the time it starts to burn the pie is done.

        • EdF
          EdF commented
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          It's not how big a pie; it''s how many! Big fire needs work to do! ;-)

        We make lots of Pizza on a LG BGE. Platesetter in and Pizza stone elevated toward the done. We always use homemade dough. There are several good dough recipes. One of our favorites is Kenji's with Bread Flour. I like to sub about 1/4-1/2 cup of Semolina Flour for some of the Bread Flour. I prefer to heat soak the Egg for 45 Minutes or so. I also have a heat gun to check the stone temp. Try different temps but 450-500 stone temp is a sweet spot with this dough. Dough with 00 Flour likes 600-650 stone temps. Leave the top vent off as Henrik mentioned so you can watch it bake. Have fun!


        • Steve B
          Steve B commented
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          Thanks Skip. Really good insight here.
          I might have a few more questions for as
          Spinaker suggested that you are the man.

        Agree with the comments. Get it high up in the dome. Here is my set up.
        Attached Files


        • EdF
          EdF commented
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        • Spinaker
          Spinaker commented
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          Yeah, you are are kinds doing that square peg in a round hole type-a-deal right now. Steve B

        • Steve B
          Steve B commented
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          Spinaker ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
          Problem solved. Picked up a 14รขโ‚ฌย BGE round stone.


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