I haven't charcoal grilled in a long time and I'm having a hard time getting to 325 on my pk360 and maintaining it. I started a full chimney with fresh charcoal. The temp came up way past 325 so I turned down the bottom right vent. The top left was fully opened. I could not maintain the temp no matter what I tried. After looking at the charcoal it was not fully burning even though it was covered in gray ash from the chimney.
Am I doing something wrong ? I'm using 2 zone method.
Big Joe III
Big Green Egg lg
Grill Dome lg (at camp and it sucks!)
Modern Home Products WNK
RecTeq Matador w/WOK
Blackstsones (at home & camp)
Yakatori: Konro XL
FireBoard - Original, II, and Spark
Fans - Pit Viper, Pit Bull, FireBoard
Temp measurement - Thermapens (all), DOT, timers, . . .
KJ rotisseries (L and XL)
Lots of cast iron, woks, etc.
GrillGrates® and SearMagic®
Sous Vide Water Immersion Oven
Kindling crackers (at home & camp), axes - Gransfor, other favs
Just like most everyone here, a lot of other stuff!
I'm using standard Kingsford with regular grates that came with the PK. Last night during the cook I had the charcoal spread out for a 2 zone setup. When I wasn't reaching 325 I tried to make a pile and that seemed to help but still not to 325
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Interesting. I don't own or use a PK360 but it seems, especially in a warm climate, there should be no trouble with a full well-lit chimney getting what you want. I would suggest instead of looking for a grey ashed-over appearance you simply watch for the smoke to lessen and see heat waves coming form the top, that's usually 10-12 min from lightup w/ Kford. You could be waiting way too long for the ashed over part, then you've lost a lot of firepower from the coal. I am also puzzled by your statement that the coals weren't' burning. I don't how to piece both things into the same scenario...
Try adding half a chimney of unlit in first, then dump your well-lit chimney on top. Then try not letting it get above 325 to start. Try opening the vents a little at a time to get to 325 and then maintain.
Maybe try bringing down both exhaust vents to half way when using a full chimney. That unit is very small and made of cast aluminum...it doesn’t take much fuel to get to 325. And as mentioned above, I only use lump on my 360.
You state that you're able to get well above your 325* mark at the initial charcoal dump but can't seem to get it to normalize at that desired temp. It sounds like you are over compensating your ventilation. I'd suggest letting it get rib roaring hot then using baby steps, back one of your bottom vents down slowly. Do it in tiny increments until you get to 325*. I'm not a PK guy either but I've had the same issues with my Webers when I first got them.
In fact I now have all of my Webers on fan control for that very reason. I realize you may not be ready to take the plunge, but the Fireboard with fan option will get that PK humming within +-5* with that setup. I recently lost my fan cable and until I could get a new one I had to do several cooks with going back to adjusting vents. I had a hell of a time until I took my own advice and slowly and incrementally adjusted my bottom vents.
Good luck getting her dialed in. Keep working on it, you'll get it.
Interesting. I don't own or use a PK360 but it seems, especially in a warm climate, there should be no trouble with a full well-lit chimney getting what you want. I would suggest instead of looking for a grey ashed-over appearance you simply watch for the smoke to lessen and see heat waves coming form the top, that's usually 10-12 min from lightup w/ Kford. You could be waiting way too long for the ashed over part, then you've lost a lot of firepower from the coal. I am also puzzled by your statement that the coals weren't' burning. I don't how to piece both things into the same scenario...
Try adding half a chimney of unlit in first, then dump your well-lit chimney on top. Then try not letting it get above 325 to start. Try opening the vents a little at a time to get to 325 and then maintain.
I think you are right that I'm waiting to long. As far as the coals not burning I probably spread them out to much.
Thanks everyone for all of the insight. It is a learning experience for me.
Big Joe III
Big Green Egg lg
Grill Dome lg (at camp and it sucks!)
Modern Home Products WNK
RecTeq Matador w/WOK
Blackstsones (at home & camp)
Yakatori: Konro XL
FireBoard - Original, II, and Spark
Fans - Pit Viper, Pit Bull, FireBoard
Temp measurement - Thermapens (all), DOT, timers, . . .
KJ rotisseries (L and XL)
Lots of cast iron, woks, etc.
GrillGrates® and SearMagic®
Sous Vide Water Immersion Oven
Kindling crackers (at home & camp), axes - Gransfor, other favs
Just like most everyone here, a lot of other stuff!
I have a lot of experience with blue bag charcoal. It evaporates quickly and makes a huge amount of ash. It is full of limestone binder, sawdust and accelerants. It lights in a hurry and by the time it greys over, it is almost gone. Notice the huge amount of smoke it throws off when it first lights in a chimney.
My suggestion is for you to get some good briquettes (e.g. B&B) or good quality lump and give it a try.
I do own a PK360, found a blue bag in my cellar stash a couple of a weeks ago, and in a weak moment, gave it a try. Complete fail and had to add some B&B to finish the short cook planned. BTW, it was Kingsford Professional branded as all natural. I bought it about a year ago on sale to give it try. Yeah, guess sawdust, calcined limestone, and wax are all natural I guess! I bit on the "professional" tag but never again.
I know I am being harsh on the blue bag stuff but please do give a better briquette or lump a try. I really do think you'll get quite a different result.
18.5 hours at 225F. Did short ribs for he first 7 hrs. Left it running. Ambient temps around 30-40F.
No refuel at all. pk360 with fireboard and pit viper control.
Guess I can’t
I have a bunch of thermostatic control tests and a max temperature test in the thread above.
I agree you are probably letting the chimney ash over too much. As soon as you see only scintillations/heat above the chimney and little smoke, it’s ready. Also you can toss in some unlit to help sustain it longer.
if that doesn’t work re-check your airflow setup is clear and free however you are doing it.
Again, thanks for all of the response's I really like Alphones's . Since I am so new to charcoal cooking I naturally went with the known brand of Kingsford. I will definitely give the B&B a try if I can find it.
My last cook (Meatloaf ((the food not the Man)), I spent a lot of time really working the bottom vent to get dialed in. Just small adjustments. Since I was smoking the meatloaf for several hours I had time to play with it and I think I am getting there. I did a full chimney. and dumped it after about 15 minutes. The PK takes a long time to reduce temp so I had to be patient.
I stopped worrying about temps for two zone grilling especially if they are high temps. No matter what grill I use I keep all the vents open because I want that really high temp for the hot side. It takes me 40-45 minutes for 2 zone grilling chicken thighs and legs. I keep the chicken on the cool side 95% of the time and by time I get to 35-40 minutes the coals on the hot side are cool enough to place the thighs skin down if I want to crisp/char them up a little. If your just grilling don't worry about maintaining higher temp for too long. If you need to grill more than 30-45 minutes there is a good chance you going to need to add more fuel anyway. Thats the thing about 2 zone grilling you are going to need to move your food around from time to time account for temp changes. None of what I just mentioned applies to low and slow or even some baking or roasting.