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Kent Rollins Bertha Stove

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    Kent Rollins Bertha Stove

    Much to rich for my blood, but I am a Kent Rollins fan. Looks like Hasty Bake makes it for him.

    Limited Stock - order yours today! Kent Rollins' signature wood-burning stove, affectionately named Bertha, is the centerpiece of Kent's cowboy cooking style. Made by hand in Tulsa, Oklahoma of 1/4" and 3/16" heavy-duty, corten steel, this stove will last a lifetime. Corten is specially designed to surface rust and sel

    Looks like the kind of iron set that was in kitchens 100 yrs ago.


      I enjoy watching him as well. That thing is a beast!


        It's got a lot of good features, and I'm glad they don't hide the rust in his video... but I can't help but feel this is a $2.5K max cooker? I mean the stainless second largest HB is sub 3K... Obviously like some other big names, there's a name mark up, still feels like a bit much? If shipping is included I guess it's probably pretty heavy... but I dunno.

        Regardless, if I had the money, it looks like a really fun and fairly versatile cooker.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          That Steel is deliberately alloyed, and coated, to rust forever, or at least a Very VERY Long Time.

        • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
          ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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          Mr. Bones yep, I'm just glad they didn't hide it. It's part of the charm IMO on those types of cookers as long as they are well made

        Yeah, I'm thinking they're missing the price point a bit. It would be fun to have, but it ain't no suburban backyard cooker.


          I like Bertha, but I can get a local welding shop to make one for quite a bit less.


          • Craigar
            Craigar commented
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            Please do and report back. I would be interested in finding out what welding shop would charge for a one off copy.

          • 58limited
            58limited commented
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            I'll try to get a bid but it won't be made with Corten steel so it may not be a fair comparison. I can ask if they can get it though. I wasn't going to ask for an exact duplicate of the one Hasty Bake is making, just a square box with the burners and a grill on casters. The Hasty Bake model has some upgraded features I wasn't going to incorporate to keep costs down.
            Last edited by 58limited; October 9, 2021, 07:54 AM.

          He is putting on a demo at Hasty-Bake tomorrow at 11:00 here in Tulsa. Free, but limited to 250 people. Several weeks ago I reserved a ticket as I really enjoy him. Then it dawned on me that I would miss OU vs. Texas football. Had to cancel my ticket but with regrets.


          • Oak Smoke
            Oak Smoke commented
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            Priorities are important. This one makes me nervous. Boomer Sooner!

          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Games can always be recorded, or viewed on yer mobile device...
            Meetin Cowboy Kent? Probly only happen oncet in a lifetime opportunity...
            Like th rest of us ol codgers, he standin one foot in th grave, an t'other foot on a nanner peel...

          • klflowers
            klflowers commented
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            Glad you got your priorities straight

          Very interesting,


            I swear if our back yard was bigger my husband would have this.


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Now, SEE?!?!?!?!:

              THIS, Rye Cheer, is th primary same zackly reason I don't have me no dang danged Husband.

            I am no welder but that looks easier to make than the typical COS. Maybe Henrik can weigh in?


              That is the perfect cooker, if ya had a ranch, ferget backyard, & ya wuz cookin fer a brood.


                Looks cool, but the price? Ridiculous.


                  No doubt there's some "celebrity pricing" in there, but it's not quite as outrageous as some might think. Corten steel is not quite double the price of "regular" cold rolled plate, but it's close. And since they likely realize this is a limited sales potential product they don't have much tooling to speed up production, so there's more hourly labor cost in this compared to higher volume products such as the regular HB stuff. Folks like Yoder, LSG and others make "cooking boxes" of similar dimension and roughly similar style that they offer in the $2500-3500 range, so add the higher material cost and this isn't really the double price that it might first appear. But yeah, I'm not the target market either.


                  I'm sure the name adds to the price but I think it's mostly the corten steel. Great stuff but $$$
                  I posted this before I read Uncle Bob's
                  Last edited by ofelles; October 9, 2021, 11:56 AM.


                    Yup, I’m gonna throw luv at Ol’ Kent. The intent on makin this cooker isn’t with pay dirt in mind. This is not a get rich scheme. Everything about Rollins is real.


                    • Debra
                      Debra commented
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                      He is about the only celebrity chef I follow.
                      Christian principles and he does walk the walk.
                      Nothing pretentious about him.
                      We have some very nice kitchen knives but my Husband uses the Kent Rollins Cowboy Hash Knife nearly every time he cooks.

                    • Mr. Bones
                      Mr. Bones commented
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                      Yup, I agree 157%, Brother...

                      Kent is as down in th red dirt Real as it gits...

                      I have commented on scads of his vidyas, an I git a personal response, each an every time.

                      This man is a National Treasure!!!!
                      Last edited by Mr. Bones; October 9, 2021, 10:56 PM. Reason: +s

                    • FireMan
                      FireMan commented
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                      Yessir, he’s the one who taught me the proper way to make cowboy coffee. My wife used to love it & a few of my friends tasted it & wanted to know what I did to make it so good.


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