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Requiem fer a Kingsford 24"

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    Requiem fer a Kingsford 24"

    Hadda escort an Ol Friend to th curb, here, recently... (01AUG21)

    We had quite th long history together, but he was ailin beyond my capability to mend...

    Billy was done give to me from a neighbour, who had boughts a brand new cooker...;he looked like a newborn colt tryin to stand up fer th first time, when I dragged him home; missin several bolts, legs all akimbo, like...

    Tried fixin him up with various coarse an fine 1/4" an 5/16" bolts. to no avail... Mighta said summat like dang to th danged dang2!!!

    My Son said "It sounds like a 6mm, Dad", an brought me some bolts from a Toyota he was scrappin out...worked like a charm

    He seen many, many a poke butt, briskie, an chuckie, as wail as Countless burgers, fish, yardbird parts, etc., never, ever balked, not even once...

    Bout a year ago, he got to th point where he could no longer articulate his cantilever fire grate elevatin/lowerin mechanism doohickey thingy, on one th Bonehead I am, I tried jus crankin th handle harder, mid-cook, an under a deadline...bent th Dog Water outta th RH side arms, thereby makin it a fixed position one trick sheet metal pony...Rats....

    I kept on, jus a walkin on by him, day after day, an dodgin what I hadda do...

    Finally, (after removin th bottle opener, I ain't that stupid lol) I wheeled him on out to th curbside, fer either th scrappers, or somebody who needed a charcoal grill to whisk away...

    It hurt, but it hadda be done...

    Did my level best to cauterize th wound with some Ol Kaintuck Windage...

    It Done Happened: Twicet, in a year, Ol' Mr. Bones actually done got himself rid of a cooker...

    Proof??? Here's a few starter pics of th farewell, reckon I'll post up some vintage, after I mellow down, a spell, mebbe even tomorrow...

    Walkin Th Mile, Walkin Th Green Mile...

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    Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 7, 2021, 09:31 PM.

    My condolences. I guess it's off to join other sheet metal in the Sky...


      'Twas, indeed, no mistakin, powerful saddenin...

      I jus hadda listen to my inner self, an give Faith A Chance...

      After much Deep Contemplation, meanwhile dabbin away th tears of remorse, an guilt, constantly...

      Reckon, best I can, it's Th Good Lord's way'a tellin me, I must needs to gits me a Hasty Bake.
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 7, 2021, 10:03 PM. Reason: effed up V1.0.00;-)




        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks, Capn!

          "Ready? Two!"

        The day will come for us all to get drug down the the curb for a final time. I only hope that when my time comes, it is done with as much dignity and respect as you have shown your old friend. Be well Brother. We are here for you.


          How The Condemned Cookers know that it is their actual execution time:

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          Possibly, th first ever beer bottleopenerectomy ever documented, mebbe I have, at Long Last, finally found My Niche?

          Oh, Joy!


            Smokey be's all kinda like "WTF jus happened?"
            An "WTH alla these dang danged leaves come from, anydangedhow?"
            Click image for larger version  Name:	20210801_204517 (Custom).jpg Views:	0 Size:	565.4 KB ID:	1074110
            Keen eyes will note Billy's spindly, Toyota-bolted legs, in th upper left quadrant, as he looks, hopefully, up an down Minnesota Street...
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            Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 8, 2021, 02:57 AM.


              Sorry for your loss.

              Was the opener saved to be a donor or are you placing it on the mantle as a remembrance?
              Last edited by North Carolina Mike; August 8, 2021, 05:12 AM. Reason: Edit to add question


              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
                Editing a comment
                Definitely in Available Donor Status, Amigo...



              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
                Editing a comment
                Tango Yankee, Bruddah!

              Dogs and smokers, miss them more than most people on this planet.
              In your travels you'll pick up another Rescue Q.


                Mr Bones, I salute your fallen smoker... but you've just freed up room for a new grill in need. Hope it's something exciting and different, and with lots of potential and joy


                  I had the same cooker. I was really bummed when it finally needed to be replaced. I also saved the bottle opener and mounted on the garage wall.


                    I am so sorry for your loss. Give time as time will heal.


                      I have realized that I am gonna blow up all my old grills/smokers with Tannerite when the time comes to do so. I just can't bare the thought of them wasting away in a landfill.


                      • Mr. Bones
                        Mr. Bones commented
                        Editing a comment
                        An arguably good point, an effective method of Euthenasia, Brother!

                        Please, be sure to share some vidyas, if/when it comes to that point...

                      • Spinaker
                        Spinaker commented
                        Editing a comment
                        The broil King Keg is The rusted out Broil King Keg is on the docket. Can't wait. And, yes, videos will be taken. Mr. Bones

                      • Mr. Bones
                        Mr. Bones commented
                        Editing a comment
                        It is always a Sad Moment, indeed, when we need to say goodbye to a once trusty, now rusty cooker.

                        I admire yer approach, an th Mercy, an Respeck that ya brings to Th Table, Brother!
                        Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 9, 2021, 06:07 PM.

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