Hadda escort an Ol Friend to th curb, here, recently...
We had quite th long history together, but he was ailin beyond my capability to mend...
Billy was done give to me from a neighbour, who had boughts a brand new cooker...;he looked like a newborn colt tryin to stand up fer th first time, when I dragged him home; missin several bolts, legs all akimbo, like...
Tried fixin him up with various coarse an fine 1/4" an 5/16" bolts. to no avail...
Mighta said summat like dang to th danged dang2!!!
My Son said "It sounds like a 6mm, Dad", an brought me some bolts from a Toyota he was scrappin out...worked like a charm
He seen many, many a poke butt, briskie, an chuckie, as wail as Countless burgers, fish, yardbird parts, etc., never, ever balked, not even once...
Bout a year ago, he got to th point where he could no longer articulate his cantilever fire grate elevatin/lowerin mechanism doohickey thingy, on one side...like th Bonehead I am, I tried jus crankin th handle harder, mid-cook, an under a deadline...bent th Dog Water outta th RH side arms, thereby makin it a fixed position one trick sheet metal pony...Rats....
I kept on, jus a walkin on by him, day after day, an dodgin what I hadda do...
Finally, (after removin th bottle opener, I ain't that stupid lol) I wheeled him on out to th curbside, fer either th scrappers, or somebody who needed a charcoal grill to whisk away...
It hurt, but it hadda be done...
Did my level best to cauterize th wound with some Ol Kaintuck Windage...
It Done Happened: Twicet, in a year, Ol' Mr. Bones actually done got himself rid of a cooker...
Proof??? Here's a few starter pics of th farewell, reckon I'll post up some vintage, after I mellow down, a spell, mebbe even tomorrow...
Walkin Th Mile, Walkin Th Green Mile...

We had quite th long history together, but he was ailin beyond my capability to mend...
Billy was done give to me from a neighbour, who had boughts a brand new cooker...;he looked like a newborn colt tryin to stand up fer th first time, when I dragged him home; missin several bolts, legs all akimbo, like...

Tried fixin him up with various coarse an fine 1/4" an 5/16" bolts. to no avail...

My Son said "It sounds like a 6mm, Dad", an brought me some bolts from a Toyota he was scrappin out...worked like a charm

He seen many, many a poke butt, briskie, an chuckie, as wail as Countless burgers, fish, yardbird parts, etc., never, ever balked, not even once...

Bout a year ago, he got to th point where he could no longer articulate his cantilever fire grate elevatin/lowerin mechanism doohickey thingy, on one side...like th Bonehead I am, I tried jus crankin th handle harder, mid-cook, an under a deadline...bent th Dog Water outta th RH side arms, thereby makin it a fixed position one trick sheet metal pony...Rats....
I kept on, jus a walkin on by him, day after day, an dodgin what I hadda do...

Finally, (after removin th bottle opener, I ain't that stupid lol) I wheeled him on out to th curbside, fer either th scrappers, or somebody who needed a charcoal grill to whisk away...

It hurt, but it hadda be done...

Did my level best to cauterize th wound with some Ol Kaintuck Windage...

It Done Happened: Twicet, in a year, Ol' Mr. Bones actually done got himself rid of a cooker...

Proof??? Here's a few starter pics of th farewell, reckon I'll post up some vintage, after I mellow down, a spell, mebbe even tomorrow...

Walkin Th Mile, Walkin Th Green Mile...
