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Time for a new grill

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    Time for a new grill

    So, I know FireMan loves a good poll. I haven't seen one lately, so I thought I'd do the easy thing and ask what kind of grill I should get. I mean really, I'm sure the collective mind will easily get to one simple conclusion, right?
    I have narrowed it down to a 22" charcoal kettle, but while I thought the Weber would be the hands down easy choice, I'm not so sure anymore. I've got it down to three, but there are ups and downs to each of them.

    The contenders are:
    Weber Performer Premium
    Napoleon 22" PRO
    Slow N Sear Deluxe
    I wish the LSG 24x48 was an option, but the budget says no.

    Please share why you think your choice is the right one.
    Weber Performer Premium
    Napolean PRO 22"
    SlowNSear 22" Deluxe
    Stop asking stupid questions and get the LSG 24x48

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by willxfmr; July 11, 2021, 09:32 PM.

    Or I’ll sell you my Weber 22. Click image for larger version

Name:	2247535A-3C4B-42FA-BDF7-2C98BC791839.jpeg
Views:	461
Size:	294.6 KB
ID:	1058840Click image for larger version

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Views:	446
Size:	161.2 KB
ID:	1058839


    • willxfmr
      willxfmr commented
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      What's the asking price?

    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      I really like that old Performer cart.

    I voted for the SNS. Great company plus their products are top shelf and great quality.


    • willxfmr
      willxfmr commented
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      I know I loved the SnS I had on my old kettle. That is why the SnS Deluxe made the short list.

    One thing I should have mentioned in the OP is that the new rig will be used 99% of the time for hot and fast. I already have a pellet pooper and a WSM to handle the low and slow.


      I voted for the weber...tried and true work horse but I would have rather voted for a weber 26"!!


        Although I have been a Kettle fan for many years, I voted for the SnS. I think Dave designed his cooker for people - not price.


        • RonB
          RonB commented
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          willxfmr - isn't the SnS grill the same size as the Kettle? If so, it should take most of the accessories made for the Kettle.

        • jfmorris
          jfmorris commented
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          RonB the rotisserie for the Weber won't fit the SNS kettle, but that is the only limitation I know of.

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Non Interchangeability???
          That's a definite BuzzKill...

        Considering you’ll be using it exclusively for hot/fast cooks, I voted Weber. That table space, IMO, is invaluable.


        • JohnPaul
          JohnPaul commented
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          This is my vote as well. I eventually will get a SnS kettle to add to the collection. But if you already have slow covered, that table space is going to make you a lot happier.

        willxfmr For hot & fast, I would certainly consider PK products.


        • willxfmr
          willxfmr commented
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          The PK was on my radar, but I had to draw the line somewhere. I decided to draw it at kettles.

        Or, you know, since you mentioned LSG, you could sell all the others and get the LSG adjustable, which will do it all.

        Just sayin'...


        • willxfmr
          willxfmr commented
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          Stop helping Jim!

        No Pellet grill!! Vote Not I am.


        • willxfmr
          willxfmr commented
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          I already own a fine pooper.

        Out of those my choice would be the SnS, at least the owner is in the US. Remember the LSG 20X36 is almost half the cost of the 24X48 but these really aren't "hot and fast".




          • willxfmr
            willxfmr commented
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            Sorry. I already have a fire pit, and a garbage can. I won't be combining the two.

          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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            That is down right mean.

          If you want hot and fast, why not the chimney and the $20 toy PJ just posted. Just an idea.


          • willxfmr
            willxfmr commented
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            It seem like a good idea right up until Panhead John thought it was a good idea. Now? I'm not sure, but something seems off.

          What I would vote for if I could would be the Weber Performer Deluxe if it was on the list. If you expect to do lots of hot and fast, that propane ignition is more of a time saver and convenience than you would think. I really REALLY love my SNS Deluxe Kamado, but do think that the table space, charcoal storage AND charcoal ignition on the Performer Deluxe are a game changer.


          • willxfmr
            willxfmr commented
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            It certainly wouldn't take much to up sell me to the Deluxe.

          • jfmorris
            jfmorris commented
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            willxfmr the grill you can get if you are in a hurry might be a factor. I see a ton of "Out of stock" on Weber stuff lately, on their website as well as reseller websites. If you want it this summer, the SNS Deluxe may be the way to go.

          I voted for the SNS because you listed the Performer against it, otherwise I suggest picking a cool color, buying a Master Touch, and adding the SnS insert to it. The Weber in a color other than black will hold wild value if you ever decide to sell it. (it's like having a Wrangler)

          P.S.: forget the LSG. Get a Weber Summit Kamado and grill year 'round, down to -30F... Spend the savings on other stuff.



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