So after getting my Masterbuilt 1050 modded up the way I wanted it with a secondhand fireboard drive I got a great deal on, and the stainless steel racks from LSS mods, my wife informs me that she doesn't like me meat because it's too smoky. Mind you, I used two chunks of post oak in the ash pan and ran only KBB in the hopper. Even the next day, I can barely taste the smoke on my chuck roast and eye of round. 😪
Thinking that it was just something odd about this past experience, she goes on to tell me that the chicken quarters I hung on the WSM 22 with ONE chunk of apple was too smoky as well and wished I would just grill it on the weber kettle. I then explain that it's basically the same thing since I'm running the WSM at 350ish. And that I did it that way for the time savings since I cooked 2 chickens.
All that to say, I told her that a pellet grill would probably fit her taste buds better because it has a lighter smoke profile and give a hint of it on the meat. She quickly agreed. 😂
So, I guess that means a pellet grill my be in the future after Christmas. 🤣
Thinking that it was just something odd about this past experience, she goes on to tell me that the chicken quarters I hung on the WSM 22 with ONE chunk of apple was too smoky as well and wished I would just grill it on the weber kettle. I then explain that it's basically the same thing since I'm running the WSM at 350ish. And that I did it that way for the time savings since I cooked 2 chickens.
All that to say, I told her that a pellet grill would probably fit her taste buds better because it has a lighter smoke profile and give a hint of it on the meat. She quickly agreed. 😂
So, I guess that means a pellet grill my be in the future after Christmas. 🤣