Hmmm, not sure what to think of this offering. It's made by Hasty Bake so I'm sure the quality and workmanship are there, but the price point seems a little high for what it is. My LSG didn't cost that much shipped to my front yard. Thoughts?
Last edited by CaptainMike; August 16, 2021, 08:08 AM.
Not something that would interest me, although I can see it's appeal (got to leave room for future MCS). I can see it in a rustic outdoor kitchen set up.
The tall price is because of the Corten steel I bet!
About 10 years ago my Daughter worked for Williams Sonoma and they offered an enameled old fashioned French looking gas stove for 12K so 5K ain't so bad.
Last edited by ofelles; August 16, 2021, 09:29 AM.
Just another example of a food celebrity (although I do like the old Cowboy) cashing in on his name. As a result the said cooker goes up in price by 1.5 or 2 times what it's really worth. Franklin's new pit is a perfect example. Fine cooker, well crafted but come on, you can get something that cooks and is built equally as well for half the price.
Another novelty cooker, no interest. Thanks for posting though Mike, I wish Kent a lot of luck regardless. He's a character.
LSG Adjustable Grill/Smoker, MAK Pellet Grill, Large BGE with Several Attachments from the Ceramic Grill Store, Weber Gasser, Cast Iron Pans & Griddle, Grill Grates, Mostly Thermoworks Thermometers, Avova SV Stick, BBQ Guru Controller and Fan
I’d decide if one of the wood burning ovens from Lehman’s Hardware fit my needs first. Too bad that their lines of wood ovens has dwindled in the past several years. I kind of like those Elmira cast iron stove/ovens made in Canada. The are at least prettier than Bertha.
When we were kids we'd vacation at a little resort in the high sierras. They had these cool old cobble stone cabins that were built in the 1920's and had most of the original furnishings, including oil lamps and wood cook stoves. My mother grew up cooking on them and she took to it easily. She even baked bread and cakes to show us her chops!! Some of the best times of our lives were spent there, and it's where we scattered dad's ashes.
gcdmd mom took the time to show us how to use them. Of course, fire management is the key and us kids smoked the place out a few times learning that. But once you found the sweet spot it was really fun and satisfying, although I would not like to live that way. On second thought, I think I could go totally Thoreau and live by a pond in the woods!
Last edited by CaptainMike; August 16, 2021, 11:07 AM.
> Weber Genesis EP-330
> Grilla Grills Original Grilla (OG) pellet smoker with Alpha/Connect
> Pit Barrel Cooker (gone to a new home)
> WeberQ 2000 (on "loan" to a relative (I'll never see it again))
> Old Smokey Electric (for chickens mostly - when it's too nasty out
to fiddle with a more capable cooker)
> Luhr Jensen Little Chief Electric - Top Loader circa 1990 (smoked fish & jerky)
> Thermoworks Smoke
> 3 Thermoworks Chef Alarms
> Thermoworks Thermapen One
> Thermoworks Thermapen Classic
> Thermoworks Thermopop
> Thermoworks IR-GUN-S
> Anova sous vide circulator
> Searzall torch
> BBQ Guru Rib Ring
> WÜSTHOF, Dalstrong, and Buck knives
> Paprika App on Mac and iOS
I saw that on his Facebook page. Looks cool and I'm sure the quality is top notch. If I was rolling in cash - maybe I would consider. It just seems like a large firebox on casters and fold-down counter tops.