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New (used) 18" WSM

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    New (used) 18" WSM

    Just bought a new (used) 18" WSM from a guy via craigslist. He also threw in a 22.5" kettle. He just bought a BGE so he was looking to down size as he is getting ready to move out of state. As we were loading the equipment into our van, I was extolling the virtues of AR and the Pitmaster Club. He blew my mind by saying he was a member as well. Small world! He also had another mid section he included. I went to the Weber Virtual Bullet forum and asked if anyone had stacked the units and apparently it can be done. I stacked the new mid section on the old one but had some serious gaps. I switched the out and had a much better seal. He also included a gasket kit and hinge. I now have 2 WSM's and 4 kettles. Click image for larger version

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    #2 got it going on!!!


      Looking good, DOWN WITH RECTANGLES! Everyone know cylindrical cooking tastes much better.


        Originally posted by John View Post
        Looking good, DOWN WITH RECTANGLES! Everyone know cylindrical cooking tastes much better.
        _John_ My stickburner is a big cylinder, lol.


          FLBuckeye congrats! You'll soon be in the running for the 'longest signature' award if you keep that up! Although David Parrish and Max Good will be hard to beat.


          • David Parrish
            David Parrish commented
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            The escalations continue in the war to own the most grills. I'm pretty sure though I am in at LEAST third place after Candy and Max. MH prob has me beat too.

          The extra WSM will also help out a lot when I compete. I will be able to do two butts, a brisket, and ribs on the 2 WSM's. The chicken I can do on a kettle. More money muscle to work with for turn in. For the Florida BBQ Association events, they require eight pieces as opposed to six pieces with the KCBS events. We are camping this long weekend and I will be cooking pork and chicken on Friday and brisket on Saturday. Cooking for 13


            That is a fantastic stable of toys you have!


              FLB you need a crowd of folks to feed now. What are you gonna cook?


              • JeffJ
                JeffJ commented
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                Ah, the joys of living in a state where one can go camping in early April and be comfortable. It's 34 degrees here in Southern Michigan at the moment.

              • David Parrish
                David Parrish commented
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                Jeff that's why we have Uhaul and Ryder

              • Guy
                Guy commented
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                Yes Boss, come on down.

              You can probably hang a piglet in that stacked WSM!! SWEET!!


                I gave a cooker away last week...

                I hope the BGE moves and ends up good. I've already figured that mine stays with the house.


                  That stacked WSM is a clever idea. Since Weber grills are all modular individual parts (center ring, grates, etc) can be purchased separately. The only drawback I see with the stacked cooker is that it looks like a step stool might be needed to access the top of it.


                    Glad you're enjoying them FLBuckeye and they went to a good home!


                      It's tough to have too many WSM's. I have a pair of 22.5's. And when I'm thinking of doing more than 20 rack of ribs (I can cook 10 racks per 22.5 WSM), I start itching to get another one.



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