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Pork shoulder, hooks or grill

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    Pork shoulder, hooks or grill

    Is there some mystical advantage to hanging a pork shoulder on the hooks for the first part of the cook? I was contemplating just doing the whole cook on the grill (I am not planning on using the crutch) but since I am a newbie to the PBC I figured it would be good to get some expert opinions.

    Since I've switched to only buying boneless pork shoulders, (all the bone in ones that I can find around here have been injected) I haven't used the hook method. They come out fine cooking on the grate. An 8-9# one usually takes 7-8 hours. I would only attempt to hang one if I needed more room. Maybe Jerod will pipe in. Nobody can get more stuff in a PBC than Him!


      Not a real difference for a pork butt.


        I usually hang my pork shoulders in my PBC until they hit 160 or so. Then I think as they get more and more tender, they may come off the hooks, so I lay them on the grate at that time. I don't wrap my PBs, though.

        It could be all hooey, but the idea of a hanging piece of meat self basting as moisture drips down its length into the charcoal seems to be one of the secrets to why food on the PBC turns out so darn tasty.



        • David Parrish
          David Parrish commented
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          Agree with Kathryn. No wrap equals better pulled pork.

          Kathryn would you like a user name change? I ask because you're always adding your name to your posts. If so, let me know and I'll make that happen.

        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
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          Nah, I'm good, David Parrish , but thanks for the offer. Signing my name is just force of habit.


        Originally posted by fzxdoc View Post
        It could be all hooey, but the idea of a hanging piece of meat self basting as moisture drips down its length into the charcoal seems to be one of the secrets to why food on the PBC turns out so darn tasty.

        It might also be the smoke that those drippings create.


        • fzxdoc
          fzxdoc commented
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          True that, JeffJ .

        Thanks for the info. I will have to think about what strategy I will use. I can see hanging for ribs, as they are shaped like they were made to hang, but I didn't' think a big amorphous blob of piggy would benefit as much. I might put off the cook until Sunday, because the Silicon Valley BBQ Championship is Saturday and only a few miles from my house. I may truck on over to check that out.


          I've done a couple... Hung them both to 160 and then wrapped ... Works pretty well... I wrap mostly because I hate waiting...


            I always hang then move to the grate at 175 F. But you certainly don't HAVE to hang them.



              I hung my first one and it turned out really good. I guess Im lazy as I now only put them on the grate for the entired cook. I wrap of course, but why mess with the hooks if I don't have to. I can get two butts in the PBC laying both on the grates only. I still get the awesome tender juicy pork that pulls no problem.


                I'm like most of the other PBC folks. I hang the PB until 160 - 170, then onto the grate. All of mine have been bone-in.

                I think the reduced cross-section in the vertical axis allows more air and smoke convection circulation, particularly if there is more than one, or it's a big lump o' PB. Just my pet theory


                  I hang them with the grill in place to catch them if they fall... just being cautious. LOL


                    I have not had the grill in place yet. Is there room to hang a 'normal' sized pork butt? I will have to check when I get home.


                      Yes you can easily hang 2 full sized pork butts in there... probably even squeeze 3 in. Plus there should be room for the grill if you want to go with that too.


                        i suddenly feel like the odd man out here: i hang with no crutch the whole way thru. takes a bit longer for a 5-6 lber maybe closer to 7-8 hrs but they are always tender, delicious and the bark is exceptional. my only motivation for this method is MH said to skip the crutch, so i do! never had a hunk fall off both boneless and bone-in. i did lose a rack of ribs i forgot about at a BBQ though... tragic.


                          I've never lost a rack of ribs from falling into the coals on my stickburner, have you DWCowles? Lol.


                          • pittkappasig
                            pittkappasig commented
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                            i find NO HUMOR in bbq mistakes.... my cooks are always perfect and finish exactly when intended... 10 PM is the perfect time for dinner!
                            Last edited by pittkappasig; June 25, 2015, 09:29 AM.

                          • David Parrish
                            David Parrish commented
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                            I'm in the lost a rack club, but I rinsed them off and sauced them. They were still good!

                          • carolts
                            carolts commented
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                            I've lost one, just as I was pulling it out to check it. Yup, they were done. Quick rinse, no one was the wiser.


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