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Fullest I can get a Pit Barrel with brisket. First Auber and Brisket cook.

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    Fullest I can get a Pit Barrel with brisket. First Auber and Brisket cook.

    Thank goodness the Auber fan can fool with the temps. I have it set for 235, it is slowly making head way (currently at 228 after 15 minutes). Now it is 232, 19 minutes in. Now 235, 21 minutes in. Very happy with this little dude. Overshooting is not in its vocabulary, at least on my kettle and Pit Barrel. Click image for larger version

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    Didn't realize I was out of Kingsford, save 4 briquettes. It lights better with Kingsford on top of the B & B. So the light up was sub-par. Not a big deal, I wanted to see what the Auber could do anyway.

    I'm only cooking 4, but I had to cut 3 since they were approaching 24 inches. I take off most of the point, cutting where it starts to thin down a lot.

    They make a nice pile in the freezer.

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    ONLY cooking 4. Lol smh . You're a funny guy Jerod.


    • Jerod Broussard
      Jerod Broussard commented
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      Well it is REALLY FULL for 4 briskets. Twas afraid I was going to have to cook some tomorrow, then I started cramming and adjusting.

    do you do this for a living? that's a lot of food


    • Jerod Broussard
      Jerod Broussard commented
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      No, I'm cooking for a bunch of ministers and workers at our church organization's camp Monday night. 50-60 people, sliced flat and burnt ends.

      But I do occasionally cook for folks.

    Jerod Broussard for BBQ Super Hero!


      You are the brisket man!


        No, he's the brisket King


        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          Wannabe brisket king, you always get it wrong.

        Well, typically I get a 25+ degree drop when the briskets enter the stall. Not with the Auber fan. I went outside to check on it, tons of smoke pouring out (indicative of multiple large chunks of meat "sweating") and the temp holding steady. I could hear them dripping begging for mercy.

        5.5 hours in I will start pulling meat out and laying on the grate.


          Got the first two to meet direct heat rotated to the top grate. Other two need some serious bark on top the flat. Somehow I got all the fat caps pretty dark while they were hanging. I know I want the fat caps to face in when hanging, don't remember thinking about it.

          Few hooks needed for this cook. Not sure much is going to get wrapped before 200+.

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            How long till we are all standing 4 hours in line at Jerrod's BBQ joint talking about how much we love his book and brisket?


              So, how many pork butts do you think I could get in a PBC at once? I'm doing a cook for my group at work (I host the annual summer party) and need to cook about 40 lbs. Yeah, I'm thinking I've lost my mind.


              • Jerod Broussard
                Jerod Broussard commented
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                I've done three, but it really depends on the size (obviously).

              Well this will go down as one of my best and LONGEST brisket cooks.

              1. I normally run full brisket PBC's around 250 to try and limit the affect of the stall. Running hotter singes the bottoms more than I like. This cook I ran 235-ish (grease flare ups would have it touch 250 occasionally) and all the briskets came out much more consistent top to bottom. Even running 250 the ends of the flat will darken a lot quicker than the rest.

              2. Cook time was about 15 hours. I rarely have a brisket cook over 10 hours. Every brisket was probe tender before 200. Some had a few spots that maybe could have gone longer, but these are getting reheated and rested for a couple more hours. Handling them you could tell......TENDER!!!!

              3. All flats were wrapped in butcher paper to hurry up and finish the cook. Points were wrapped in foil. Flats were transferred to foil (little water also) once they cooled off to be chilled.

              I'll try and gets some pics tomorrow afternoon.


                Great thread you got going here Jerod. Awesome


                  Was very rushed to serve and what not so I didn't get any pics, bummer, cause one point had a smoke ring almost throughout the whole thing. Twas pretty. My camera was in my truck. Pics never even crossed my mind. Hilarious.


                  1. Going low and slow and wrapping in butcher paper yields awesome results in the Pit Barrel

                  2. I added some water when I transferred the flats to foil after they cooled down at room temperature (3 hours).

                  3. I turned them fat cap up, I won't do that anymore while they are wrapped. Fat cap down from now on, all the time. I did turn them back to fat cap down for the reheat.

                  4. 1/2 hour out the fridge, 2 hours at 240 in a mack daddy convection oven and the thinner flats were already at 145 internal. 2.75 hours in they were at 165 and put in the warming tower that was set at 170.

                  5. I had the 4 points stacked 2 x 2 (3 were removed pre-cook, one post-cook), and they, along with the one really thick flat, hit 160-ish at the 3 hour mark. Things were loaded up and transported to the serving location 1 hour away.

                  6. After just over 1 hour of resting in the cambro, the points were cubed and sauced. Perfect tenderness. I added Sweet Baby Ray's to Meathead's Texas Mop Sauce. Blended well, however I plan to cut back on the paprika in the Mop sauce next round.

                  7. 2 hours in on rest for the flats, started slicing, perfect pull and everything. Bark was a wee bit saturated on one flat. Others firmed up very quick and very well.

                  8. Slices were juicy. Lotta happy people. Served about 58 people. Maybe 5 of those were little kids. Had a few burnt end pieces left over when left. Lady serving was calling dibs on the sliced scraps. I purchased 52 pounds of brisket from the store, came as close as you could want with respect to having enough without a bunch leftovers.
                  Last edited by Jerod Broussard; June 16, 2015, 06:17 AM.


                    Is that even legal?!


                      What a great cook you had, Jerod! ( Jerod Broussard )

                      Thanks so much for giving all the details. This is especially helpful to those of us who are too timid about reheating brisket, fearing that it won't turn out nice and juicy inside with a great bark outside. You sure busted that myth.

                      I haven't had the need to serve brisket like this (a day or two later), but I'm flagging this topic so I know what to do when that happens.

                      I just wish I could have been one of those lucky 58 people that you served!




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