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Boneless skinless chicken breast

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    Boneless skinless chicken breast

    Any thoughts on how best to cook on the PBC so they're not dried out? They're pretty big, going to try and hang them....will be cooking several legs on the grate as well.

    I run things HOT when doing chicken breasts, sometimes 400 degrees in the oven. I don't give them things long enough to dry out.

    Did the breasts come out of a tray pack, or a bag of frozen breasts?


      I agree w/ Jerod. Chicken breasts will be dry suckers if taken much past 165, and the hotter the better. On the kettle I do them 325 minimum, most often 340-360. They're great wet brined or dry brined (I prefer wet for chicken pieces) or marinaded. The thin, tenderloin-removed bagged ones are the trickiest. The plump full ones, which it sounds like you have, are best. Take your legs higher, at 165 they'll be slimy. Legs can handle 175-180 if need be.


        Thanks Jerod and Huskee...they came out of a tray pack...they've beeN above 300 but nor consistantly as high as you both have mentioned....I'll see how they turn out shortly.


        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          Where are you located? Just curious as to the company brand of the chicken.

        I frequently cook them at over 400 indirect. Get them up to temp as quick as possible.


          Jerod....I'm in west KY, about a 100 miles west of Louisville......Tyson Brand chicken.

          They turned out pretty dam good, even the breast. I actually hung each each leg but for some reason I didn't take a pic of that. On this cook, before adding the meat, the temperature got away from me (I got distracted briefly) and hit 512....without the lid and the probe just below the rebar.

          I choked it down until the close to 325 before adding the meat. I dry brined several hrs, S&G rub on all pieces and on some also added MHMD. I did transfer the legs to the grate at the end to crisp the was chicken I've ever cooked.
          Last edited by Chuck; May 31, 2015, 11:34 AM.


          • DWCowles
            DWCowles commented
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            Jerod Broussard we feed our chickens and women lots of corn 😊

          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            Good deal. Plenty corn in storage.

          • New2Cue
            New2Cue commented
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            They look fantastic!

          Chuck the chicken looks great. I'm also from Ky 90 miles south of Louisville


          • Chuck
            Chuck commented
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            cool, I'm in Daviess County

          Boneless skinless chicken breasts were my only fail (so far) on the PBC. I tried doing them for my second cook ever, before learning about bumping the smoker temp up to 325+ for poultry. I've never made them again.

          Now that I've seen your great results, Chuck , I'm going to give them another try. Thanks for posting your results--those photos are drool-worthy.



          • Chuck
            Chuck commented
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            Thanks Kathryn.........I look forward to seeing your results.

          Wrap those monsters with bacon. Umm-good.


            Bacon? Don't know about that......I like bacon all by itself. Hmmmm, PBC bacon on a pizza stone, interesting.


              A couple weeks ago, I put 10lb of boneless skinless breast on the pbc. I hung them all with a simple rub. Cooked at about 250ish for just over an hour or so. Came out great! I shredded them for bbq samies and chicken salad for later in the week. Loved them!


                Chuck That temp didn't get away from you, that's the proper way of lighting a PBC for birds. Start HOT!!!


        's my turn to give this a try. First of all, late last night my wife mentioned she bought a chicken so I woke up thinking about how I was going to smoke a chicken. Then the horror set in when I saw she had bought four huge boneless, skinless chicken breasts. So I came here to get a few clues on how to deal with these. I have a huge offset smoker, so I was thinking that I should just put charcoal on one side of the main grill and try to get the temperature way up there. I never really cook anything this hot indirectly so this should be interesting. Maybe a couple of hickory logs on top? going to need some heat.



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