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The Pit Barrel pipes and B & B Briquettes are singing today...and will again tonight

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    The Pit Barrel pipes and B & B Briquettes are singing today...and will again tonight

    Tried to fit 3 butts and 2 briskets. Small butts, thickness wise, but didn't realize they were too long to go b/n the rebar. One barely did, thank goodness. No biggee, I have room for one butt on the cook tonight.

    Enough lighter fluid to lift the space shuttle. 22 minutes of preheating. Both pipes open from the get go.

    13 minutes in temp was 46 minutes it is at 279-280. Gotta like that.

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    Dude you're cracking me up. So, if I did the same pre-light sequence with heavy ignition and delayed lidding, my pit temps would be in the upper 300's for the first hour of cooking. Is it because of all that doggone meat you got in there that you're staying under 300? Also, how many hours you gonna get with one basket? I know you say the B&B burns longer. Do you over -fill the basket too?
    Thanks, you're my hero. 😁


      Nah, the basket ended up not quite full. I have never burnt out a basket of B & B totally. I'm thinking 12 or so hours, easy. And I only use it on big meats. I'm thinking they are starting to sweat they ain't getting out, I'm down to 262....back up to 266, B & B fighting back. Lid cracking at 250, if it gets to that you have no doubt hit the evaporative cooling process.

      This is only my second daytime - at home cook. I typically light and go back to work, or cook all night.

      I spread a few Kingsford ontop b/c the B & B doesn't light up as as quick.

      This was also the first cook where my initial temp spike was more than 15 degrees than the settle down temp with the B & B. Them Kingsford briquettes really help it get going they start up so well.

      I just realized I could have placed my hooks for the butts OUTSIDE the main rebar. Course that would have taken a little jockeying so the extra rebar does not do a somersault out the pit.

      I'll try it tonight when I rehang meat at 1 A.M. Should be easier then (sarcasm alert).

      Not totally sure on the Kingsford. I know some people have had problems with low temps cause they go a little too long on the preheat and burn out what they have. But all the ones I have seen have stayed under 20 minutes. So maybe going over 20 with it would ignite some more "help."
      Last edited by Jerod Broussard; December 20, 2014, 02:38 PM.


        : )....

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        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          There was already a burn hole there. So why not some fresh briquette dust. I just rip the bags. I must have shook that Kingsford for 3 minutes just for 10 briquettes.

          My butt just hit 151 internal. Cooker been on cruise control for 1 hour 58 minutes. 264 barrel temp. I'm thinking 160+ internal when the stall hits.

        Looking good, I think you're gonna need a another PBC soon.


        • _John_
          _John_ commented
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          Yeah, mount a little sliding door under there or something. If I had it thought out I would've done it already!

        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          That's brilliant. Definitely something to consider. Then all I need is an Ash Pit for the Pit Barrel. Roll the barrel over it, let it take a dump, no wiping needed, get rolling again.

        • _John_
          _John_ commented
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          I forgot you have wheels, yeah just a little PBC toilet.

        Meat approaching 160, Barrel approaching 250. Definitely an inverse relationship. 2 hours 32 minutes in, I called an audible and cracked the lid ever so slightly. Want to stay above 260.

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        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          No, fresh empty basket. Just cracked the lid, and the coals to the left, in that meat gap, are glowing red.

        • JPP
          JPP commented
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          Very interesting photos! Is that a "flat" on the left? Looks too thin for a butt.

        • Jerod Broussard
          Jerod Broussard commented
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          No, those thin dudes (left, top) are some pork butts. Wal-Mart finally started cutting them down. Thin on width, long on flavor.

        Holy Stall!! Was starting to stall early at 154, hit hard at 158. Dropped to 156. Got lid cracked more and was able to get to 273. I was going back and forth with the lid cracking. Letting it rise to 295, then closing and dropping back down to 260-ish.

        4 hours 20 min into the cook.

        Will do a bark check at 5 hour mark on butts. I know the briskets will not even be close on top the flats.

        If butts are barked, they getting wrapped and put in the oven. I think I will have time to throw that other butt in while barking up the briskets. That way I can use up all these coals.

        Last edited by Jerod Broussard; December 20, 2014, 05:40 PM.


          5 hours 20 minutes in, to the grate. Brisket at 162 internal. Butts need plenty more bark. Brisket double stacked with an extra grate on one side, butts on the other side.


          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            Got a brisket wrapped at 170 internal, woohoo. Smelling goooooood. Other one just needs a little more on the flat. Butts really need some more bark. I'm used to cranking the heat up to 330+ at the stall on them dudes. They already wanting to fall apart.

          The hot spot has now moved to the other side of the basket. Every time I go to the grate, only one brisket is able to get good direct heat. It is just a matter of rotating. This will be the first time I am trying to bark up butts on the grate with some direct heat. Click image for larger version

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          • Spinaker
            Spinaker commented
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            I did that with mine yesterday and they turned out great.

          Work it Bro, work it!


          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            What are you up to???

          • Jon Solberg
            Jon Solberg commented
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            Baking... its a long story. Just cleaning up. Ribs tomorrow with those hock I grabbed. I really dont like Holiday candy cookie stuff. Man I whipped.

          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            My dad too, about the candy. Seen him eat everything else on the pig, except the hocks. Course I remember eating brisket, many times, NEVER saw him cook a brisket. Go figure.

          7 hours and 20 minutes and DONE. Next stuff will get hung around 1 or 2 A.M. I put the briskets wrapped in a 300 degree oven, and they were probe tender same time the butts got done. Butts made it to probe tender (201-202) without getting wrapped. How's that for a humid cooker. Pulled the bones out, spread a little sugar on them, put them to rest.

          Got the last butt hanging in the cooker now. Just need it to roll good until I need to hang the other stuff.

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            4 pounds of pork product ready to be chilled. 2.5 hour rest. Giving those Select briskets just over 3 hours to rest. Going to slice and make burnt ends.

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              Looks good, and now i'm hungry.


                Cool deal Jerod - awesome that you got them done to finish in 7.5 hours!! My best on the PBC with a similar weight of meat was 8.5 and there were still spots @ 180.

                Nice to see that it can be done!


                  Burnt ends. I cut them thick so I can sauce heavy. And Meathead was right, you do this ONE time, and they ask for it EVERY TIME. And these folks haven't had them, they just heard about the ones I did for a burfday party.

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