Doesn't this look grate, er, great? It's a photo from one of Jerod B's cooks over on the general PBC forum.

He took a charcoal grate and cut off about half the bars with a Dremel 4000 fitted with a sharp sawblade. When I saw this photo I knew I just had to have one too. He said the idea came from a discussion involving Steve and CRO on the general PBC forum. Steve had the idea and CRO put it into action.
Other folks have morphed grates into Great Grates by cutting the bars off with heavy duty wire cutters.
I bought a grate with hinged sections at each side, figuring that fewer bars would have to be cut with that design. Plus I wanted the handles because I like handles. I asked a friend to saw off the bars for me. I've since paid him back with a brisket, a bacon-covered meatloaf, and a chicken, all smoked on my PBC. I'd say we're almost even by now.
Here's the photo of my GG:

It's a handy addition to the PBC. I used it for a ribs 'n potatoes cook, shamelessly copying Jerod's setup. Turned out great. I'm going to do a meatloaf and a chicken at the same time for an upcoming cook. The chicken can hang in the opening and the meatloaf will sit on the rack.
14 months later: Edited to add: The PBC folks now sell a hinged grate that allows for meat to be hung through the hole and something placed on the grate half at the same time. The open area on that PBC model is not as large as this one that a friend modified for me. But hey, whatever works!
Here's the PBC's hinged grate, at a really good price of $16.95:
He took a charcoal grate and cut off about half the bars with a Dremel 4000 fitted with a sharp sawblade. When I saw this photo I knew I just had to have one too. He said the idea came from a discussion involving Steve and CRO on the general PBC forum. Steve had the idea and CRO put it into action.
Other folks have morphed grates into Great Grates by cutting the bars off with heavy duty wire cutters.
I bought a grate with hinged sections at each side, figuring that fewer bars would have to be cut with that design. Plus I wanted the handles because I like handles. I asked a friend to saw off the bars for me. I've since paid him back with a brisket, a bacon-covered meatloaf, and a chicken, all smoked on my PBC. I'd say we're almost even by now.

It's a handy addition to the PBC. I used it for a ribs 'n potatoes cook, shamelessly copying Jerod's setup. Turned out great. I'm going to do a meatloaf and a chicken at the same time for an upcoming cook. The chicken can hang in the opening and the meatloaf will sit on the rack.
14 months later: Edited to add: The PBC folks now sell a hinged grate that allows for meat to be hung through the hole and something placed on the grate half at the same time. The open area on that PBC model is not as large as this one that a friend modified for me. But hey, whatever works!

Here's the PBC's hinged grate, at a really good price of $16.95:
