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PBC Modifications: The Great Grate

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    PBC Modifications: The Great Grate

    Doesn't this look grate, er, great? It's a photo from one of Jerod B's cooks over on the general PBC forum.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	JBs Great Grate resized.jpg
Views:	1471
Size:	68.3 KB
ID:	13005

    He took a charcoal grate and cut off about half the bars with a Dremel 4000 fitted with a sharp sawblade. When I saw this photo I knew I just had to have one too. He said the idea came from a discussion involving Steve and CRO on the general PBC forum. Steve had the idea and CRO put it into action.

    Other folks have morphed grates into Great Grates by cutting the bars off with heavy duty wire cutters.

    I bought a grate with hinged sections at each side, figuring that fewer bars would have to be cut with that design. Plus I wanted the handles because I like handles. I asked a friend to saw off the bars for me. I've since paid him back with a brisket, a bacon-covered meatloaf, and a chicken, all smoked on my PBC. I'd say we're almost even by now. Here's the photo of my GG:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	my great grate resized.jpg
Views:	1453
Size:	77.9 KB
ID:	13006

    It's a handy addition to the PBC. I used it for a ribs 'n potatoes cook, shamelessly copying Jerod's setup. Turned out great. I'm going to do a meatloaf and a chicken at the same time for an upcoming cook. The chicken can hang in the opening and the meatloaf will sit on the rack.


    14 months later: Edited to add: The PBC folks now sell a hinged grate that allows for meat to be hung through the hole and something placed on the grate half at the same time. The open area on that PBC model is not as large as this one that a friend modified for me. But hey, whatever works!

    Here's the PBC's hinged grate, at a really good price of $16.95:

    Last edited by fzxdoc; December 8, 2015, 07:43 AM.

    It looks great Kathryn?? Why reinvent the wheel when there is something already out the Jrod showed a great idea for a PBC and you personalized it . Congrats!!


      I haven't nailed down the potatoes yet. My first run was under done. Course they were HUGE. Second run got done too quick, course they were not HUGE.

      One day I will get it down.


      • fzxdoc
        fzxdoc commented
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        My 9 oz spuds were perfect (even if I do say so myself ) after 2 hours in a hot (290-340 degF) PBC. I took them to 204 degF internal temp. I just had to toss them in a 450 deg oven for 10 minutes before serving to crisp up the skins.


      • Mark N
        Mark N commented
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        I wrap my potatoes up in tin foil with olive oil and kosher salt. Let them go for a two hours and they always turn out well. Additionally I will take a fork and stab them quite a few times before wrapping them up and putting them in the barrel. The fork wholes help get more heat into the potatoes and gets a bit of a steam going for the cook.

      "I've since paid him back with a brisket, a bacon-covered meatloaf, and a chicken, all smoked on my PBC".

      All that for cutting a few bars? Put me down for cutting your next grate!


        Great idea!


          Good idea - I'm ripping off Kathryn's version. What can I say, I've got a thing for handles as well...


          • fzxdoc
            fzxdoc commented
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            Go for it, Kevin! You won't regret it.


          • JPP
            JPP commented
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            The only 18" grate I could find around here was a weber version... it comes with handles of course and I while I've not used it yet, believe the handes will come in quite "handy"....

          My variation on the theme: After we talked about how neat it would be to have a half grate, this is what I made out of an rectangular grate from an old gas grill with a disc grinder. Cost $0. Works well enough for single hunks of meat anyway.

          First use with tri-tip and stuffed mushrooms:


          • Marauderer
            Marauderer commented
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            That really looks nice Steve.

          Awesome Idea!


            Hey, Steve, hearty welcome to the Father of the Great Grate! It was your idea and CRO's efforts that started the GG ball rolling for so many of us. It's nice to see you over here on The Pit. Now if I can just get a glimpse of those blue tubs, I know that a photo of yet another awesome cook is not far behind.

            Last edited by fzxdoc; October 12, 2014, 07:23 AM.


              Kathryn, Awesome idea! I have acquired, modified and installed the Weber 7433 grate. I am now officially a member of the Great Grate Club! Woo Hoo!!!


                Grate, er, great news, SRA. Enjoy using your new Great Grate!


                  Gonna copy this as well thanks for the info, 7433 weber is the grate to buy? New to this forum so don't really know what I'm doing but what a great site, glad i joined, thanks Kyle!


                  • Huskee
                    Huskee commented
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                    Welcome to The Pit Kyle! When you get a minute, head over to the Introduce Yourself thread and give us a bio- a lot or a little, whatever you'd like to share. Then I'll give you my homework assignment!

                  Will do thanks, Huskee


                    Kyle, the Weber 7433 grate works well because it's hinged so you have fewer bars to cut off on one side and because it has handles, which I prefer. Any 18 (18.5) inch grate should work well though. You're going to love using it!

                    Last edited by fzxdoc; February 13, 2015, 10:24 AM.


                      so, I like the idea of this adjustable center "pole" or hook to hang single items for smaller cooks. I've seen other suggestions for a pizza pan under the charcoal grate to catch ash. My concern is if any pan with a large enough lip to actually hold ash will impede the airflow into the charcoal pan. Can someone comment ? Will a shallow pan work and not interfere ? Will a deeper sided pizza pan (I was thinking a 14" pan) interfere with air flow ?

                      Thanks !


                      • Jerod Broussard
                        Jerod Broussard commented
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                        krankster I had a flat piece of metal that warped pretty bad and didn't affect anything.

                        The vent is not right at the bottom, and I don't see a little lip hurting anything. If you think it is, you can easily beat it down and put that beat down spot at the vent.

                      • krankster
                        krankster commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Thanks ! I wanted to check before I out-smarted myself


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