I've had my PBC for almost 7 years now (original powder coat version). As it was my first charcoal cooker, so it got frequent use at first. A few years ago I posted a question about cleaning the inside and was advised not to, so I didn't. As I acquired a kettle, a Smokey Joe and a Big Green Egg, the PBC's use declined, and over the last year and a half or so it hasn't been used at all because there has just been the 2 of us to feed. It has been covered with the PBC cover and under a rain proof roof. A week or so ago I took the cover off and there was some rust on the outside that won't effect function. The inside, however was covered with mold. Tried to scrape it off and burn it off . . . nope. So, I figured what the heck, and broke out the pressure washer sand blaster attachment and nailed the mold and most of the other gunk on the inside. Not completely down to bare metal, but close. Of course it immediately started to rust. So I applied a very light coating of oil and burned it in with a full basket of lump. More or less seasoned the inside. She ain't pretty, but we just had a brisket point and some beef back ribs that cooked just as good as a brand new cooker. Didn't take a before, but here's an after.

Note to self, don't store the cooker in a cover that cannot breathe for a long period of time. Maybe it'll last another 7 years, who knows?
Note to self, don't store the cooker in a cover that cannot breathe for a long period of time. Maybe it'll last another 7 years, who knows?