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Brisket On The Bronco…My Best Ever?

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    Brisket On The Bronco…My Best Ever?

    This might be a little long winded, but I wanted to share my experience with you guys, and a few things I learned. I cooked my first Prime brisket today, all my others have been Choice or….😱 Select. It actually turned out as "probably" my best brisket ever, or at least that I can recall. I was a little surprised because I started out the cook a little bit short of ideal accessories on hand. I had only one hickory chunk to use and no digital grate or leave in food probes. I had to rely on the factory thermometer built into the Bronco and a hand held instant read food thermometer. THE HORROR!

    I bought some B & B Charcoal Briquettes for the first time yesterday and decided to use them instead of Kingsford. And I’m glad I did! More on that later. I lit the coals this morning at 7 am and went to the local Walmart to get some more Hickory chunks while the coals were getting started. Imagine my surprise when I found out there was none in stock, and I had to settle for Hickory chips! Below is me showing my disdain after I saw there was no chunks in stock. What really pissed me off was that I got all dressed up for nothing!

    Click image for larger version  Name:	D2231F2E-EF00-4E01-A9AB-FA72191CCEFF.jpeg Views:	10 Size:	85.5 KB ID:	1111509

    After returning home I forged ahead with the cook. As mentioned above, I decided to use some B&B Charcoal Briquettes because of a recent thread here, and other people raving about them. Immediately after lighting the coals I noticed the absence of the dirty smoke and smell from my previous uses of Kingsford. For long cooks in the future, I’ll never go back to Kingsford. I’m now a converted B&B fan.

    Anyway, this was definitely one of my best brisket cooks ever and I attribute that to a few things. #1 was becoming a member of Amazing Ribs. The people here and their shared knowledge with each other is invaluable. I’d never heard of a vortex or SnS until I joined AR. Now I have both.

    The brisket was absolutely tender, juicy and flavorful. And I only ate some of the flat tonight. I haven’t even tasted the point yet. Of course a lot of credit has to go to it being a Prime grade brisket. And I also give a LOT of credit to The Bronco, which is a smoking machine!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Panhead John; October 17, 2021, 08:11 PM.

    Looks great! How long did it take on the Bronco, and what dome temp did you run at? Was this hanging or on the grate?




        Checks all the boxes! Bark-check. Smoke ring-check. Moist-check.

        I'm assuming from you saying it was your best that it tasted great, too.

        Great job, sir!

        <We now return to our regularly scheduled ridiculing of PJ.>


        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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        Not only a great story and photos, but I like your slicing.


          Oh yeah. I forgot to comment on the ugly clashing of your shopping outfit.

          Everybody knows that donuts and pizza don't go together.


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            Jimbo, as much as I luv ya bro, don’t make fun of my stylish clothing please. I’m not an international supermodel for nothing.
            Last edited by Panhead John; October 17, 2021, 08:02 PM.

          Looks great! B&B is all I use for smoking these days. Did you end up using any char logs or just briquettes?


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            Thanks to your suggestion I also used 3 large char logs. Gonna start a new post about that soon. Thanks buddy!

          jfmorris I started the brisket at 7:45 am and took it off the smoker at 4:30 pm to rest. So, cook time was almost 9 hours. At 12:45 it was at an IT of 165* and hit the stall. At 2:45 it was still at 165*. I wrapped it in foil and left it on the smoker till 4:30 when it reached an IT of 203* I unwrapped it then and put it back on the grill for 15 minutes to harden the bark a little. Then I wrapped it back in the foil and a towel to cambro in a cooler till 7pm. The cooking temps according to the built in thermometer was around 250*. But, I checked the Bronco temps previously with a ThermoWorks probe and found the actual temps to be 25*-50* hotter than the built in thermometer showed. So I’m guessing my cook was actually at 275*-300* degrees for the most part. Oh, I did cook it on the grate, it barely fit after trimming. Otherwise I was gonna hang it.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Panhead John; October 18, 2021, 06:19 AM.


          • jfmorris
            jfmorris commented
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            Cool beans. Sounds like you easily did this cook on one load of charcoal too. I'm definitely going to continue pushing my son towards a Bronco. Too bad I can't catch one on sale for $99 or such crazy pricing.

          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            Yeah Jim. One load got me 9 hours, and I probably had enough left to go a couple of more hours! And yeah, those $99. days are long gone. They’re $350. now. I got mine for $300. back in April.

          A1 job on that brisket.
          I still get nervous as all get out smoking brisket, darn things are big and expensive so you don't want to ruin it.
          Now....wherez them beanz....


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            I was a little nervous too. Especially after posting about it beforehand. If it hadn’t turned out good, I was gonna steal some of Richard Chrz ‘s pics and start lying. 🥸
            Last edited by Panhead John; October 18, 2021, 07:09 AM.

          • GolfGeezer
            GolfGeezer commented
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            Wait! I thought those were pics from Richard Chrz and that you are lying!! Maybe the sugar shock and carb load from your "threads" gave me a case of the infamous "Brain Cloud". Gotta find a volcano now...

          Ya done good!


            Success achieved is always a most enjoyable experience. Well done Sir.
            As mentioned the pit members have been great in sharing advice that helps with upping cook results. I can attest to that. But now we need some to step up and help PHJ be more a-wear of clothing couth. If that is at all possible.


            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              holehogg I dunno man, the chicks was really digging my threads. I had one lady following me all over the store! (mighta been security though)

            "A little long winded???" Yeah, after th first comma, it was...

            Great Brisket cook, ain't no doubt, brother!

            Never again try to con us into beleivin ya look so svelte, in yer wally world gear, again...a'ight?

            I calls Bull Honkery, My Danged Ol Self...
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; October 19, 2021, 02:02 PM.


            • Soonerpop
              Soonerpop commented
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              I was waiting for someone to mention "a little long winded" comment. Can’t believe it took this long in the post. Thank you. Nice brisket by the way, Panhead John

            Originally posted by holehogg View Post
            Success achieved is always a most enjoyable experience. Well done Sir.
            As mentioned the pit members have been great in sharing advice that helps with upping cook results. I can attest to that. But now we need some to step up and help PHJ be more a-wear of clothing couth. If that is at all possible.
            I think he has taken fashion to the next level.


            • ofelles
              ofelles commented
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              Some level anyway!

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              couple three bubbles offa level, mebbe, at best
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; October 18, 2021, 10:28 PM.

            Very nice brisket. Congrats!


              Great work!



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